21 & 22.01.18 Telangana(TSPSC) Current Affairs

TELANGANA State to certify OECD scheme seed   The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare has revised the designated (nodal) agency wise area of jurisdiction for the implementation of seed certification under the Overseas Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) programme by reducing the number of designated agencies from 10 to five.   Accordingly, the jurisdiction … Read more

Telangana planned development

  Telangana planned development Planning department mainly deals with formulation of annual plans and five year plans, preparation of state plan budget and socio-economic survey report, reviewing and monitoring of plan schemes, evaluation of important schemes/ programmes .The department als​​o implements Subscribe on YouTube programmes like special development fund for welfare and developmental activities, constituency … Read more

Telangana Trade and Commerce

Telangana Trade and Commerce Historic View:- The British had set up Hyderabad as the largest state in the Indian subcontinent, but left it with a backward economy. The richer agricultural regions which the Nizam had earlier controlled – Berar (Vidarbha) and coastal Andhra-were annexed to British territories. Based primarily on the Deccan plateau, between the … Read more

Economic and tax Reforms in Telangana

Economic and tax Reforms in Telangana:- Telangana, has emerged as one of the fastest growing states in the country. In 2016 Telangana and Andhra Pradesh have jointly topped the ease of doing business ranking with a score of 98.78 per cent while Gujarat, the former number one, has slipped to the third position. With a … Read more

An Introduction Of Telangana Economy

  An Introduction Of Telangana Economy Telangana state was formed in June 2014 post the split of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh. The earlier capital city of Hyderabad is part of Telangana. The state holds an advantage as it possesses readymade capital with necessary infrastructure and ecosystem. Between 2004-05 and 2015-16, Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) expanded … Read more

Contribution of Kakatiya, and Vijayanagara rulers to Language, Literature, Art and Architecture

Kakatiyas The 12th and the 13th centuries saw the emergence of the Kakatiya dynasty. They were at first the feudatories of the Western Chalukyas of Kalyani, ruling over a small territory near Warangal. A ruler of this dynasty, Prola II (1110–1158) extended his sway to the south and declared his independence. His successor Rudra (1158–1195) … Read more

Natural and Power Resources of Telangana

Natural and Power Resources of Telangana   Telangana locale has rich characteristic assets. 10 for every penny of the nation’s coal stores in the nation are likewise found here. Minerals are of incredible monetary esteem and have possessed a trademark put among all the financial assets. Minerals and mineral ventures have huge large scale joins … Read more

Tribal movements in Telangana

Workers, peasants and Tribal movements in Telangana  Telangana Rebellion The Telangana Rebellion was a peasant rebellion against the feudal lords of the Telangana region and, later, the princely state of Hyderabad, between 1946 and 1951. The communists were as surprised as everyone else to see their efforts culminate in a series of successful attempts at … Read more

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