Importance of Science & Technology as an engine for national development- Industrial development & Urbanization

Importance of Science & Technology as an engine for national development- Industrial development & Urbanization Professor Freeman J. Dyson, of Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton, in his book “Infinite in all Directions,” had this to say about Technology: “Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of Life, it is perhaps the greatest of … Read more

Digital divide & its prevention

Digital divide & its prevention Digital technologies have spread rapidly in much of the world. Digital dividends—the broader development benefits from using these technologies have lagged behind. In many instances digital technologies have boosted growth, expanded opportunities, and improved service delivery. Yet their aggregate impact has fallen short and is unevenly distributed. For digital technologies … Read more

Population of Telangana

Population of Telangana Telangana is the 29th state of India, formed on the 2nd of June 2014. The state has an area of 1,12,077 Sq. Km. and has a population of 3,50,03,674. The Telangana region was part of the Hyderabad state from Sept 17th 1948 to Nov 1st 1956, until it was merged with Andhra … Read more