Contribution of Kakatiya, and Vijayanagara rulers to Language, Literature, Art and Architecture

Kakatiyas The 12th and the 13th centuries saw the emergence of the Kakatiya dynasty. They were at first the feudatories of the Western Chalukyas of Kalyani, ruling over a small territory near Warangal. A ruler of this dynasty, Prola II (1110–1158) extended his sway to the south and declared his independence. His successor Rudra (1158–1195) … Read more


Jainism Originated in India thousands of years ago and is thought to have heavily influenced the two other main belief systems of the region at that time: Hinduism and Buddhism. The religion centres on the progress of one’s soul towards a divine consciousness through self-reformation, wisdom and self-control and pacifism towards all living creatures. There … Read more

PAPER – II General Studies 1- History and Cultural Heritage (India & Karnataka ),Social and Political Perspective and Indian Economy – Planning- Rural Development

] PAPER – II General Studies 1 Section – I : History and Cultural Heritage (India & Karnataka ) – (6 Units) Unit 1: Cultural Heritage of India (select areas and topics) (i) Indus Civilization – Distinction between Indus Civilization and Vedic Civilization– Evolution of Varna, Jathi/caste system – Religious condition –emergence of religious movements. … Read more

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