DMPQ-. “Article 371-J of Indian constitution gives the President of India certain power to provide that the Governor of Karnataka would have special responsibility for Karnataka.” Elucidate.

. Under Article 371-J, the President is empowered to provide that the Governor of Karnataka would have special responsibility for The establishment of a separate development board for Hyderabad-Karnataka region Making a provision that a report on the working of the board would be placed every year before the State Legislative Assembly The equitable allocation … Read more

25.01.18 Telangana(TSPSC) Current Affairs

TELANGANA Rs 600 crore for Telangana to tap into Andhra Pradesh-Gujarat natural gas pipeline   The east-west gas pipeline from Kakinada (Andhra Pradesh) to Bharuch (Gujarat) will be tapped for providing compressed natural gas and piped natural gas to four more geographical areas (GAs) in Telangana. The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board during its … Read more

Planning commission and national development council

Planning commission and national development council Planning commission The Planning Commission was an institution in the Government of India, which formulated India’s Five-Year Plans, among other functions. Background Rudimentary economic planning, deriving from the sovereign authority of the state, was first initiated in India in 1938 by Congress President and Indian National Army supreme leader … Read more

National and state minority commission

National and state minority commission Constitution of India doesn’t define the word ‘Minority’ but has used the word minorities considering two attributes religion or language of a person. For minorities Constitution of India has envisaged a number of rights and safeguards. To provide enough equality and to dwindled the discrimination, makers have spelt out various … Read more

Post Independent Karnataka- Political Consolidation, Reports and Disputes

Post Independent Karnataka- Political Consolidation, Reports and Disputes     Political Integration   India gained independence in 1947. The new government soon began delaying concerning the Karnataka Ekikarana movement. Kannada speaking areas were now grouped under five administrative units of the Bombay and Madras provinces, Kodagu, and the princely states of Mysore and Hyderabad. The Akhila Karnataka Ekikarana … Read more

Framing of Indian Constitution

Making of the constitution 1934: Idea of constituent assembly put forward by M N Roy 1935: INC officially demands constituent assembly 1938: JL Nehru’s declaration on the constitution of India 1940: Nehru’s demand accepted in the form of August Offer August Offer PM: Winston Churchill While rejecting INCs demand for independence of India after the … Read more

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