Telangana Affairs
Telangana urges Krishna River Management Board to stop HNSS project of Andhra Pradesh
After raising its objections over Rayalaseema Lift Irrigation Scheme (RLIS) and Veligonda projects of Andhra Pradesh, theTelanganagovernment dashed off another letter toKrishna River Management Board(KRMB), this time on Handri Neeva Sujala Sravanthi (HNSS).
The government asked the KRMB to stop AP from diverting Krishna water outside the basin till the Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal-II (Brijesh Kumar
TheENCsaid it is known to all that Krishna is a deficit basin and diverting water from it to outside the basin, basin areas adjacent to the river, suffer from severe scarcity of water. It is highly objectionable and does not stand to any logic or principles.
National and International Affairs
Enrollment in Atal Pension Yojana
In Atal Pension Yojana, the total enrollment is more than 3.30 crore.
About Atal Pension Yojana:
The Atal Pension Yojana started to become active from June 1, 2015, and is accessible to all the residents of India in the age group of 18-40 years.
Under the scheme, a subscriber would obtain a minimal assured pension of Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000 per month, relying upon his contribution, from the age of 60.
The same pension to be paid to the subscriber’s spouse, and on the death of each subscriber and the spouse,
the collected pension wealth is returned to the nominee.The central government will also jointly contribute 50% of the total contribution or Rs. 1000 per year, whichever is lower. This is eligible to each subscriber
account for a period of 5 years. Those who joined NPS before December 31, 2015 and are not members of any statutory social security scheme & are not payer are part of this.MoU between DoRD and DAHD
A MoU has been signed between DoRD (Department of Rural Development) and DAHD (Department of Animal husbandry & Dairying)
The MoU is for leveraging the SHG platform for rural financial increase via the convergence of the Ministry of , the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Animal Husbandry and Dairying and the National Rural Livelihoods Mission.
According to the memorandum of understanding, DAHD also decided to adopt a new accreditation model called A-HELP (Accredited Agent for Health and Extension of Livestock Production) to use SHG members as livestock resource personnel and major service providers.
This model will be carried out throughout the country
using the current cadre developed under DAY-NRLM for livestock (Pashusakhis) by offering further training and accreditation as A-HELP workers.Ladakh Adopts State Animal and Bird
Snow leopard and Black-necked crane to be the State animal and bird respectively.
The two endangered species, black-necked crane and snow leopard, were adopted as a State bird and State animal for Ladakh.
Black-necked cranes are only located in Ladakhs Changthang region. The bird is categorised as Near-Threatened, as per the <a href="“>IUCN Classification, whereas Snow leopard has been categorised as vulnerable.
In India, the Snow leopards
geographical range encompasses a massive part of the western Himalayas, which includes the UT of Jammu and Kashmir, UT of Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand & Arunachal Pradesh in the eastern Himalayas.Mirabai Chanu Chosen by Adidas
Adidas has roped in Tokyo Olympic Silver-medalist Mirabai Chanu as the face of its Stay in Play campaign for its modern-day product innovation designed to keep greater menstruating girls in Sports.
Key Points:
The new TechFit Period Proof tights, presenting an absorbent layer to help protect against leaks
when worn with a tampon or pad. Such improvements show off Adidas commitment to encourage and aid Women in sport. Adidas observed that teenage ladies are dropping out of recreation at an alarming rate, with one of the critical Motives being fear of length leakage.Indian Army in ZAPAD – Russia
Indian army to take part in multilateral exercise Zapad 2021 in Russia.
About Zapad:
In September 2021, a multinational military exercise, Zapad 2021, will be held in Russia.
This is one of the theatre level exercises of the Russian Armed Forces and will focus in particular on operations towards terrorists.
Over a number of nations from the South Asian regions and Eurasian will take part in this signature event.
The NAGA Battalion crew taking part in the exercise will feature an all Arms mixed assignment force from India. 200 Indian personnel will take part in this 13-day exercise.
The exercise goals to enhance military and strategic ties amongst
the taking part countries while they plan & execute this exercise.Over 4 Billion do not have Social Protection – ILO
In a report on the state of global social protection, the UNs International Labor Organization stated that 4.1 billion people live without any form of social safety net.
More than half of the people in the world have no social security,
Social protection consists of access to
Health care and earnings safety measures associated specifically with historic age, Unemployment, sickness, disability, work injury, maternity or the loss of the foremost breadwinner in a family, as well as more aid for families with children.According to the report, in 2020, only 46.9% of the global Population will benefit from at least one such protection.
World Coconut Day – 2nd September
World Coconut Day has been observed on September 2 each and every year since 2009.
It is found for merchandising this tropical fruit and bringing awareness regarding its Health benefits. The theme is Building a Safe Inclusive Resilient and Sustainable Coconut Community Amid COVID-19 Pandemic & Beyond. The World Coconut Day additionally commemorates the formation of
the Asian Pacific Coconut Community, which aims to promote, coordinate and harmonise all activities of the coconut .- TSPSC Mains Tests and Notes Program
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