1- Deliniate natural regions of Rajasthan and describe any one of them. 6 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-2010
2- Describe the role of RICCO in the industrial developement of Rajasthan. 6 marks-2010
3- Describe the main source of power generation in Rajasthan. 6 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-2010
4- Combating drought in Rajasthan. 4 marks-2010
5- Water Policy 2010 of Rajasthan. 4 marks-2010
6- Write a short note on Aravalli Range. 4 marks -2010
7- The district of Rajasthan which have the highest and lowest sex ratio
as per 2001 census. 4 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-2010
7(a)- Describe the seed Spices of Western Rajasthan.
4 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-2010
8- Flora of Thar Desert. 2 marks-2010
9- Lake Developement Projects in Rajasthan. 2 marks-2010
10-What is solar Energy Enterprise Zone (SEEZ) and where is it located. 2 marks -2010
11- Mawat and its source of humidity. 2 marks-RAS/RTS Mains- 2010
12- Classification of Soil areas. 4 marks-RAS/RTS Mains- 2008
13- Dairy Developement. 4 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-2008
14- Stone Industry of Rajasthan. 4 marks-2008
15(a)- Main Districts which lie across Indra Gandhi Canal. 2 marks-2008
15(b)- Tribal Mahila Self Help Group- 2 marks 2008
16- Cover Erossion. 2 marks- 2008
17- Describe the Desert Developement Projects of Rajasthan. 6 marks-2007
18-Describe the Population distribution format of rajasthan & Illustrate its determining factors. 6 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-2007
19- Describe the silent features of Physico Cultural Regions of Rajasthan. 6 marks-2007
20- Describe the Tribal Area Developement & Plans. 6 marks-2007
21- Execution of Narmada Project in Rajasthan. 4 marks-2007
22(a)- Talchhapar Sanctuary. 4 marks-2007
22(b)- Kankrej &its main varieties
23- Non-Conventional sources of energy. 4 marks-2007
24- Takhli Dam Project. 2 marks-2007
25- Describe the current status of population of Rajasthan and the steps taken to restrict the population growth. 6 marks-2003
26- Through some light on the administrative setup established in Rajasthan for improving the electricity condition. 6 marks-2003
27- Give a detailed explaination of the cultural regions of Rajasthan. 6 marks-2003
28- Through some light on the Chambal project of Rajasthan. 6 marks-2003
29- Explain various cattle varieties and their regions. 4 marks-2003
30- Drought and famines are frequent in Rajasthan. Mention the causes and suggest the ways to deal with this problem. 6 marks-2000
31- Describe the role of public sector industries in economic developement of the state. 6 marks-2000
32- Review the present position of production of lead, Zinc and Copper in Rajasthan, stating the places of availability of the sources. 6 marks-2000
33- What means are used for irrigation in Rajasthan and what is their contribution in the agriculturaldevelopement of the state. 6 marks-2000 34- Jakham River. 2 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-2000
35- Sambhar Lake. 2 marks-2000
36- Compare the mother and child care programmes in Rajasthan with the other states in India. 6 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1999
37- Describe the Main features of ‘ Bisalpur Project’? 6 marks-1999
38- Discuss the growth of Distance education in Rajasthan. To what extant it would serve the intrests of Higher Education in the State? 6 marks-1999
39- Acess the Progress of ‘ Heritage Hotel Scheme’ Rajasthan during the last five years. 6 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1999
40- How far do you agree that Rajasthan is a mazor cement producing state in the country. 6 marks-1999
41- Mineral oil Exploration in Rajasthan. 4 marks-1999
42- Solar Energy Projects in Rajasthan. 4 marks-1999
43-Write on any 5 wildlife santuaries in Rajasthan. 4 marks-1999
44(a)- Rajsamand Lake. 2marks-1999
44(b)- Chappan Plains. 2marks-1999
45- Write the names and special features of the main geographical sub-regions of Rajasthan. 6 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1997
46- Acess the progress of industrial growth and its impact on Rajasthan in last five years. 6marks-1997
47- Why population growth in Rajasthan is very high? What strategy should be adopted to contain it? 6 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1997
48- Why literacy in Rajasthan is very low? What immediate steps should be taken to improve the situation? 6marks-1997
49- Name 6 important rivers of Rajasthan. 4 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1997
50-(a) Narmada Canal Project. 4
marks-RAS/RTS Mains-199750-(b) Making Rajasthan Literate. 4 marks 1997
50-(c)Gurushikhar 2 marks 1997
50-(d) Longewala 2 marks 1997
50-(e) Dang 2 marks 1997
50(f) Mahi 2 marks 1997
50-(g) Thar 2 marks 1997
50-(h) Mewar 2 marks 1997
51- Access the progress of oil seeds production programme and its impact on Rajasthan in last five years. 6 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1996
52- Mention five major sectors/areas which would be crucial in the developement of Rajasthan in 21st Centuy. Explain why? 6marks-1996
53-Why female Literacy in Rajasthan is lowest in the country? What imediate steps should be taken to improve the situation? 6marks-1996
54- Main problems of rapid industrial developement of Rajasthan.
55- Explain Salient Features of Geography of Rajasthan. 4marks-1996
56- Explain Solar Energy as a good source of energy in Rajasthan. 4marks-1996
57- Indra Gandhi Canal Project. 4marks-1996
58- Aravali. 2marks-1996
59- Desertification. 2marks-1996
60- CAZRI 2marks-1996
61- Rajsamand 2marks-1996
62(a)- Godawan 2marks-1996
62(b)- Rathi 2marks-1996
62(c)- Uppermall. 2marks-1996
62(d)- Hadoti 2marks-1996
63- Acess the Progress of afforestation programmes in Rajasthan.
10 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1994
64- Desert Developemt Programme. 5 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1994
65- Drought and famines are frequent in Rajasthan. Mention the causes and suggest the ways to deal with this problem. 10marks-1994
66- Write briefly about the following mineral wealth in Rajasthan- Tungsten,Manganese,Zinc,Copper and Feldspar. 2.5 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1994
67- What do you understand by Social-Forestry? 2.5 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1994
68- Why does western Rajasthan recieves low amount of annual rainfall? 2.5 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1994
69- Present a short note on ‘soil degradation’ in Rajasthan. 2.5 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1994
70- Explain ‘Bio-Gas’ as a good source of energy in the rural areas of Rajasthan. 2.5 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1994
71- Family Planning Programme in Rajasthan. 2.5 marks-RAS/RTS Mains-1994
72- Name four breeds of cows which are generally classified as ‘Dairy Breed’. 2 marks-RAS/RTS Mains -1994
73- Mention the names of two major tributeries of Chambal River.
2 marks-RAS/RTS Mains 1994
74- Name two places in Rajasthan where ‘National Parks’
have been established. 2 marks-RAS/RTS Mains -199475- Cash Crops of Rajasthan. 2 marks-RAS/RTS Mains -1994
76- Maru- Ganga. 2 marks 1994
77- Desertification 2marks 1994
77(a)- Vegitation and climate of Rajasthan. 4 marks 1994
77(b)-Tribals of Rajasthan. 4 marks 1994
77(c)- What are the important agro based industries which can be setup in Rajasthan? 6 marks 1994
78- Mineral resources of Rajasthan. 4 marks 1991
79- Desert Development Programme. 4 marks 1991
80- The main Rabi crops of Rajasthan. 4 marks 1991
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