href="">Control of Pests and Crop Diseases.
Safe Drinking water & supply.
Sanitation and Waste disposal
Urbanization, Industrialization, and Pollution control.
Food Processing, and Food Packaging & Marketing.
Bio-fuel cultivation and extraction
Scientific Water harvesting.
Section II: Advancement and Modern Trends in Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Agricultural Science, Health and Hygiene -(7 Units)
1. Natural Science Plants – crop plants, forest species, medicinal and aromatic plants, usefulness of plants and human affairs (utility), photosynthesis, transpiration, harmful plants. Common classification of animals – domestic and wild animals. Usefulness of animals and human affairs (utility).
Microorganisms: Common bacteria, virus, fungi and their beneficial and harmful effect on mankind.
2. Agriculture Science
Agriculture scenario and importance of agriculture in the national and state Crop production and protection. Chemical Fertilizers and Vermi compost. Cost benefit and investment analysis of agricultural enterprises. Programmes for production and productivity enhancement – green, white, yellow, blue Recent trends in organic farming and farm mechanization. Farming systems and sustainability. Agro-processing and agro-based industries. Post harvest technology and value addition.Management of land and water resources.
3. Horticulture and Sericulture
Importance of Horticulture floriculture, vegetables, fruits, plantation crops, spices, aromatic and medicinal plants. Hi- tech horticulture (green / poly house cultivation). Post-harvest management and value
Special promotional programmes for horticulture development.
Concept of biotechnology, introduction and application of genetic engineering and stem cells research. Molecular breeding and marker assisted selection. Transgenic plants (genetically modified) and their beneficial and harmful effects on environment and Biotechnology in agriculture (bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, bio-fuels, tissue culture, cloning). Food bio technology, food safety and microbial standards, food quality standards, food laws and regulations.
5. Animal Husbandry (veterinary, dairy and fishery sciences)
6. Agriculture development policies, programmes and trade
Sailent Features of National and Karnataka state agricultural policies, Agriculture Price Policy, National Seed Policy, Agricultural Credit Policy, National Agricultural Research System (NARS). Farmers welfare programmes in India, Farm women development programmes, Agriculture under Five Year Plans, Development / strengthening of agricultural marketing infrastructure-Grading and Standardization, Crop Insurance Scheme- National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS), Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS), Food Security, National Watershed Development Programme, Export potential of agriculture-horticulture-livestock Commercialization and globalization of agriculture WTO, AoA (Agreement on Agriculture).
7. Health and Hygiene
Human – Digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory and reproductive systems. Allopathic, Indian System of Medicine, Naturopathy and Yoga (AYUSH), NRHM, National HIV Programme, Tuberculosis programme, P and SM (Preventive and Social Medicine), Diseases – Communicable diseases,endemic diseases, epidemic diseases, vector borne diseases. Basic knowledge of infections caused by different groups of microorganisms – Gastroenteritis, cholera, tuberculosis, malaria, viral infections, HIV, encephalitis, chikungunya, bird flu, dengue, preventive measures during out breaks. Vaccines, introduction to immunity, production of DPT and rabies vaccine and hepatitis
Application of immunological methods in diagnosis. Health awareness Programme, Etc.,
Section – III Challenges and Issues of Development on Environment & Ecology (6 units)
1. Environmental Segments:
Promotion and protection –forest conservation and Protection of Wild Life, Project Tiger, National parks and Sanctuaries, Impact of mining on forest and environment. Red Data Book: Endangered species, Eco Tourism and any other related current issues.
2. Natural Resources:
Forest – Types and conservation of forest and forest resources. Water resources- flood and drought occurrences, water resource management, Land resources. Rain water harvesting, Infrastructure development – Dams, Roads, Rails, Bridges, Industry,urbanization and waste water management, acquisition and rehabilitation and other issues due to human interventions and any other related current issues.
3. Eco System and Biodiversity
Ecology – Basic concepts of ecology, Eco System, Food Chain, Biodiversity and its conservation, Hot spots of Biodiversity, threats to diversity, forest sustainable development and management, any other related current issues, IPR.
4. Environment Pollution and Solid Waste Management:
Air Pollution, Water pollution, Soil Pollution, Noise Pollution and remedies. Solid waste Management- Types of Solid waste management, factors affecting the solid waste generation, Impact of solid waste, Recycling and reuse. Any other related Current issues. Environment protection Act, Air (prevention and control of pollution), water (prevention and control of pollution), water pollution Cess Act.
5. Role of Information Technology in Environment and Human Health:
Global Environmental issues like Climate change, acid rains, global warming, wasteland reclamation, watershed management, watershed approach for sustainable development, linking of rivers, water crisis. Any other related current issues.
6. State community-civil society interface, Joint forest management system:
community participation, Development, Displacement and Rehabilitation. Disaster Management, Sustainable Forest Development. Flood, earthquake, drought, tsunami, Global warming – Ozone layer, CFC, carbon credit.
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