History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of Rajasthan. Click here for old questions
Indian History
Ancient & Medieval Period:
- Salient features and Major Landmarks of Ancient and Medieval India.
- Art, Culture, Literature and Architecture.
- Major Dynasties, Administrative, Social and Economic system. Socio-cultural Issues, Prominent Movements.
- Ancient Indian Cultural System & Ideals- Varna Vyavastha, Ashram Vyavastha, Sanskar Vyavastha, Doctrine of Purushartha, Rina and Rita.
- Secularism, Religious Tolerance, Religious Unity.
Modern Period:
History of Modern World
href="http://www.rasfreenotes.in/history/world-history/american-war-of-independence-for-ras-rts-mains-and-ras-rts-prelims-examination/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">American War of Independence.
Industrial Revolution, French Revolution and Russian Revolution.Imperialism and colonialism in Asia and Africa.World War First and World War Second.Indian Constitution, Political System &Governance
Administrative System of Rajasthan
- Administrative Setup and Administrative Culture in Rajasthan.
- Various Rights and Citizen Charter.
Economic Concepts and Indian Economy
- Accounting- Techniques of Analysis of Financial Statements, Working Capital Management.
- Auditing- Meaning, Objects, Detection of Frauds and Errors, Internal Control, Social Audit, Propriety Audit, Performance Audit, Efficiency Audit.
- Budgeting- Different types of Budgeting, Budgetary Control, Responsibility Accounting, Social Accounting, Different types of Deficits- Budgetary, Fiscal & Revenue Deficit.
- Major Sectors of Economy- Agriculture, Industry, Service and Trade– Current Status, Issues & initiatives.
- Banking- Role of Commercial Banks, Issue of NPA, Financial Inclusion
- Major Economic Problems and Government Initiatives.
- Growth, Development & Planning- Issues, trends & initiatives; Fast, inclusive & Sustainable Growth. Growth Indicators.
- Public Finance, Monetary Policies, Inflation & Control Mechanism, Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate, CRR & SLR.
- Tax Reforms in India, Direct & Indirect Tax Reforms. Subsidies- Cash Transfer of Subsidy Issue.
- Concept of Money Supply and High Powered Money.
- Food Security & PDS.
- Role of Foreign Capital, MNCs in Indian Economy.
- Investment and Disinvestment Policies.
- New waves of Economic Reforms in India.
- Role and Functions of Reserve Bank, SEBI, Planning Commission.
Economy of Rajasthan
- Macro overview of Economy of Rajasthan.
- Major Agricultural, Industrial and Service sector Issues.
- Growth, Development and Planning with special reference to Rajasthan.
- Infrastructure & Resources, Sources of high growth for Rajasthan Economy.
- Major development projects of Rajasthan.
- Public Private Partnership Model for Economic Transformation in the State.
- Demographic Scenario of the State and its impact.
Goegraphy of World and India
World Geography:
Geography of India:
Geography of Rajasthan:

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