- Land records to be moved to blockchain
- The State government intends to make land records tamper-proof by moving them to a blockchain platform in a phased manner.
- Example of Blockchain – Suppose a person ‘X’ is there on a land record. This has to be changed to ‘Y’ and there are say five steps for going from ‘X’ to ‘Y’, to mutate the name. So, once all these five steps are done or recorded, it would make a block. Then that block shall be validated in the layer of blockchain. Once it has been validated, only then the records shall be changed.
- The government does not intend to move all land records to a blockchain platform in an instant.
· Apple becomes First $1 Trillion Company in History
- Apple Inc. became the first S.-based company with a market value of $1 trillion, four decades after it was co-founded by Steve Jobsin a Silicon Valley garage and later revolutionized the worlds of computing, music and mobile communications.
- The iMac desktop computer, the iPod, iPhone, and iPad were smash hits.
- Integrate to Innovate Programme for energy Startups
- Invest India has joined hands with energy sector companies to offer a unique lab-to-market opportunity for Indian startups through the Integrate to Innovate Programme.
- Integrate to Innovate is a 3-month corporate acceleration programme for energy startups housed at the corporate premises.
- The application for the programme is hosted on Startup India Hub – an online platform bringing together all stakeholders of the Indian startup ecosystem.
- The programme provides an opportunity for collaboration and conversation around valuable energy transitions, offering startups an opportunity to bring their ideas to life with the guidance and support from corporates.
- Ballistic Missile Interceptor AAD Successfully Flight Tested
- DRDO conducted the successful test of the Ballistic Missile Interceptor Advanced Area Defence (AAD) at from Abdul Kalam Island, Odisha.
- The endo-atmospheric missile, capable of intercepting incoming targets at an altitude of 15 to 25 kms was launched against multiple simulated targets of 1500 km class ballistic missile.
- One target among simultaneously incoming multiple targets was selected on real time, the weapon system radars tracked the target and the missile locked on to it and intercepted the target with a high degree of accuracy.
- SAATHI Initiative Launched
- Ministry of Textiles and Ministry of Power have joined hands under the initiative SAATHI(Sustainable and Accelerated Adoption of efficient Textile technologies to Help Small Industries) in order to sustain and accelerate the adoption of energy efficient textile technologies in thepowerloom sector and cost savings due to use of such technology.
- Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a Public Sector entity under the administrative control of Ministry of Power, will replace old inefficient electric motors with energy efficient IE3 motors which will result in energy and cost saving up to 10-15% in the first phase.
- NITI Aayog launches Move Hack, global mobility hackathon
- NITI Aayog has launched Move Hack, a global mobility hackathon to crowdsource solutions aimed at the future of mobility in India. Envisaged to be one of the largest hackathons globally, Move Hack is focused on 10 themes and structured over three legs: online, followed by Singapore leg, and the finals in New Delhi.
- Transportation and mobility are emerging as potential drivers of innovation and economic growth of the 21st
- Rapidly evolving technologies and business models for delivering mobility services have dramatic potential to transform the global transportation sector.
- Mobility that ranges from pedestrian and personal transport to public transit and freight movement is extremely critical and impacts rural and urban daily lives.
· IWAI Launches Dedicated Portal FOCAL For Cargo Owners and Shippers
- The Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI)has launched a dedicated portal to connect cargo owners and shippers with real-time data on the availability of vessels.
- The portal has been named as the Forum of xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512">
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