Science Booster- Gene editing tool CRISPR-cas 9 and emerging new world

Gene editing tool CRISPR-cas 9 and emerging new world Vast number of patients suffering from lifelong incurable diseases such  as Sickle cell disease , Cystic fibrosis  or Haemophilia and many more are at the threshold for a complete reversal of the disease and  in near future  shall influence favourably the treatment of  poorly treated cancer … Read more


 Tissues Tissue, in physiology, a level of organization in multicellular organisms; it consists of a group of structurally and functionally similar cells and their intercellular material. Tissues are absent from unicellular organisms. Even among the simplest multicellular species, such as sponges, tissues are lacking or are poorly differentiated. But multicellular animals and plants … Read more

Preservation & Promotion Of Culture And Indigenous Knowledge Use Of Regional Language In ICT (2)

 Preservation & promotion of culture and indigenous knowledge- Use of Regional Language in ICT “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” -Mahatma Gandhi Indigenous Knowledge (IK) refers to the knowledge, innovations, and practices of indigenous groups in matters related to agriculture and environmental management, medicine and … Read more

Concept Of Pressure

 Concept of pressure Pressure is the perpendicular force per unit area, or the stress at a point within a confined fluid. The pressure exerted on a floor by a 42-pound box the bottom of which has an area of 84 square inches is equal to the force divided by the area over which … Read more

Electric Discharge In Gases

 Electric discharge in gases Electrical discharge through gases is studied by using a specially designed glass tube commonly called as a discharge tube. It consists of a cylindrical glass tube having a side tube, and two metallic electrodes one at each end. These electrodes can be connected to the respective terminals of a … Read more

Synthetic Fibers

 Synthetic fibers (nylon and rayon),, polystyrene Synthetic fibers are made from raw materials such as petroleum, based on chemicals or petrochemicals. These materials are polymerized into a long, linear chemical with different chemical compounds and are used to produce various types of fibers. Synthetic fibers account for about half of all fiber usage, … Read more


 TRENDS IN NUCLEAR POLICY, NPT AND CTBT Nuclear policy of india Important points of india’s nuclear policy are as follows: Building and maintaining a credible minimum deterrent. nuclear weapons will only be used in retaliation against a nuclear attack on Indian Territory or on Indian forces elsewhere. Nuclear retaliation to a first strike … Read more

Types Of Asexual Reproduction

 Types of Asexual Reproduction Spores Some protozoans and many bacteria, plants and fungi reproduce via spores. Spores are structures naturally grown as part of an organism’s life cycle and designed for separation from the organism and dispersal via a medium such as air or water. When conditions are correct, the organism will release … Read more

Food And Human Health

 Food and Human Health : General Awareness of Balanced and Unbalanced Food Food has been a basic part of our existence. By knowing the food composition , the nutritional content of food is known. Intake of food ensures growth in children and youth, maintains good health throughout life, meets special needs of pregnancy … Read more