DMPQ- Mention the various applications of Polystyrene.

Polystyrene in Appliances Refrigerators, air conditioners, ovens, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, blenders – these and other appliances often are made with polystyrene (solid and foam) because it is inert (doesn’t react with other materials), cost-effective and long-lasting.     Polystyrene in Automotive Polystyrene (solid and foam) is used to make many car parts, including knobs, instrument … Read more

DMPQ- What is the vision of Digital India Mission?

The vision of the programme  is centred on three key areas Digital infrastructure as Utility to Every Citizen Governance and services on demand Digital empowerment of citizens Digital Infrastructure as Utility to Every Citizen Availability of high speed internet as a core utility for delivery of services to citizens. Cradle to grave digital identity that … Read more

DMPQ- Nanotransmitters and nanosensors

  Implantations of nanotransmitters and nanosensors within individuals have opened gates for monitoring and treating them at the microscopic level with the use of nanodevices. But this crosses traditional bounderies of care in the hospitals as persons can get the treatment done while siting in their homes . Pateients at home could have access to … Read more

DMPQ- Explain the spinal cord and its functions

The spinal cord, running almost the full length of the back, carries information between the brain and body, but also carries out other tasks.  From the brainstem, where the spinal cord meets the brain, 31 spinal nerves enter the cord.  Along its length, it connects with the nerves of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) that … Read more

DMPQ- What are directional and non-directional movements in plants?

Directional Movements Directional changes are called tropic movements. Tropic movements are the one which occurs in the direction of the stimulus. Positive phototropism is responding by bending towards the sunlight which can be seen in shoots. Negative geotropism is growing away from the ground which is also shown by shoots. Roots exhibit negative photo tropism … Read more

DMPQ- What is composting?

Composting is an anaerobic microbially driven process that converts organic wastes into stable sanitary humus like material. This material can then be safely returned to the natural environment. This method is actually a low moisture, solid substrate fermentation process. In large- scale operations using largely domestic solid wastes, the final product is mostly used for … Read more

DMPQ- Write a short note on Community Information Centre.

Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEIT) had taken up an initiative in February 2002 for setting up of Community Information Centres (CICs) in the hilly, far-flung rural areas of the country to bring the benefits of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to the people for socio-economic development of these regions and to alleviate the … Read more

DMPQ- What is the significance of Biomarker?

In medicine, a biomarker is a measurable indicator of the severity or presence of somedisease state. More generally a biomarker is anything that can be used as an indicator of aparticular disease state or some other physiological state of an organism. A biomarker can be a substance that is introduced into an organism as a … Read more

DMPQ:What is VOIP and write its advantages.

VOIP is IP enabled voice calling technology over internet. Example: Skype, Yahoo messenger,MSN messenger.It requires broadband connectivity to make a call along with IP enables  like Computers,Smartphone etc.The voice is converted into digital packets and transmitted to destination over packet switchednetwork. Advantages of VOIP are: Cost of calling is cheaper than normal phone. No need … Read more