DMPQ: Raja Ram mohanroy was the maker of Modern India. Discuss. 

Raja Ram mohanroy was the social reformer, educationist, intellectual who tried to bring elements of for gone Indian values and elements of modernisation like liberty, freedom etc. He tried to create a synthesis of thought of east and west. RMY was a supporter of equality between men and women. He said that women must be … Read more

DMPQ: Enumerate the characteristics of 1857 revolt.

( Incorporate introduction in your own words) It was spread to various sections of India. Undoubtedly revolt began as sepoy mutiny, but it was not confined to army only. All those sections of Indian population whose interest had suffered under British rule had taken part in the revolt. In avadh and Bihar, the masses had … Read more

DMPQ: Deindustrialisation was one of the impact of British rule. Give the reasons for deindustrialisation of India?

British rule was the era of drain of wealth. It affected all the sector alike. It has an impact on socio-economic-political milieu. Deindustalisation was the one of the serious consequence. The reasons for deindustralisation are as follows: The patronage received by the industries earlier were no longer available. As there was curtailment of demand of … Read more

DMPQ:Home charges is one of the major component of drain of wealth. In this context please explain home charge and also list down the effect of drain of wealth.

East India company took away part of Indian resources and wealth and in reciprocity they offer no return. This continuous drain made India Impoverished . The major component of drain of wealth was home charges: Home charge is the expenditure carried out by company before 1858 and by British government  after 1858 . It includes … Read more

What is the difference between classical and folk dance forms ?

  S.No. Classical Folk 1. It is a highly evolved form of dance It is at early stage of evolution. 2. Classical dance has its genesis in Natya shastra of bharat muni. No such relationship with Natyashastra 3. Has well defined steps, gestures known as karanas and angahara. No such well defined steps, gestures etc. … Read more

What is Bhakti movement? What are the essential features of bhakti movement?

The Indian culture and civilisation have undergone regormation and revitalisation many times throughout history of mankind. The Bhakti movements of 14th-16th century represented one such phase of revitalisation and reformation of Indian culture. This movement was lead by saints like Kabir, Guru Nanak, Ravidas, Dadu Dayal and Guru Ramdas. Essential features of Bhakti movement are … Read more