DMPQ-“The two-nation theory, which we had used in the fight for Pakistan, had created not only bad blood against the Muslims of the minority provinces, but also an ideological wedge between them and the Hindus of India.” Discuss the statement and explain two nation theory importance?

Two Nation Theory’s phenomenon basically sprigged up with the advent of Islam in the Sub-Continent. The sense was very unique about Pakistan’s creation that it was generally based on ideological commitments in the light of Islam. The basic concept behind Two Nation Theory was Muslims and Hindus was two separate nations from every expects, So … Read more

DMPQ- Write down the salient features of Chola architecture.

Chief features of Chola architecture are: (i) Dravidian feature initiated by the Pallavas acquired the classical forms and features under the Cholas such as gopurams, mandapams and  Vimanas. (ii) In the beginning, gopuram features was subdued and vimana features dominated but in the later stages, gopurams overshadowed the Vimanas. (iii) In the beginning, Vimanas were … Read more

DMPQ- During the tenure of Lord Lytton as viceroy, a lot of regressive policies were passed which raised the discontent among Indians. Do you agree with the statement.

Various repressive measures undertaken by the British authority in India led to the growth of suspicion and hatred towards the British. During the time of Lord Lytton, the Viceroy, certain repressive laws like Vernacular Press Act and Arms Act of 1878 were passed to suppress the Indian mass. By the Vernacular Press Act of 1878 … Read more

DMPQ- Write an essay on the rule of Firuz Shah Tughlaq.

Firuz Shah Tughlaq was the successor of Mohammed Bin Tughlaq. Firuz Shah was a caring ruler unlike Mohammed bin Tughlaq. He made sure that people in his kingdom were happy and heard out their problems patiently. However, he was not militarily strong and could not sustain any sort of external attacks or aggression. Firuz Shah … Read more