DMPQ- Satya Shodhak Samaj

In 1873, Jyotiba Phule formed the Satya Shodhak Samaj (Society of Seekers of Truth). He undertook a systematic deconstruction of existing beliefs and history, only to reconstruct an equality promoting version. Jyotirao vehemently condemned the Vedas, the ancient holy scriptures of the Hindus. He traced the history of Brahmanism through several other ancient texts and … Read more

DMPQ- Telugu literature blossomed under the Reddy kings. Analyse.

Telugu literature blossomed under the Reddy kings. The Reddy kings also patronized Sanskrit. Several of the Reddy kings themselves were distinguished scholars and authors. Kumaragiri Reddy, Kataya Vema Reddy and Pedakomati Vema Reddy were the most outstanding among them. Errapragada (Errana), Srinatha and Potana were the remarkable poets of this period. Errapragada, the last of … Read more

DMPQ- Differentiate between Kathakali and Kuchipudi.

Kathakali Kathakali is the classical dance form of Kerala. The word Kathakali literally means “Story-Play”. Kathakali is known for its heavy, elaborate makeup and costumes. In fact, the colorful and fascinating costumes of Kathakali have become the most recognized icon of Kerala. Kathakali is considered as one of the most magnificent theatres of imagination and … Read more

DMPQ- Write a note on the role of Dr Bheem Rao Ambedkar in the protective discrimination scheme or the reservation policy.

The real contribution of Ambedkar is reflected in the protective discrimination scheme or the reservation policy of the government envisaged under some provisions of Part III and many of Part IV dealing with the constitutional mandate to ameliorate the condition of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and the other backward classes. Provisions like Article … Read more

DMPQ- Through light on the Upanishads Ideal of service .

 The Upanishadic Ideal of service is based on the concepts of Truth, Dharma and Yajna. Without comprehending these three concepts we cannot understand what we have come to recognise as service today – the most appealing and popular component of modern religions. Discovering the Satyam  Thousands of years ago, when humanity was still … Read more

DMPQ- Gopal Krishna Gokhale was the pioneer of Indian National Movement. He was the political guru of M K Gandhi. Elaborate upon the contribution of Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

K Gokhale was instrumental Indian in bringing about Morley-Minto Reforms, which marked the beginning of constitutional reforms in India. He was an advocate of liberalism, reason free of passion and the importance of education in enriching minds. Gokhale’s idea of free and compulsory education was proposed through his Elementary Education Bill in 1910, and this … Read more

DMPQ- . Enumerate the features of the Non cooperation Movement.

The Non-cooperation movement was perhaps the biggest event in the history of India’s struggle for independence since the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. The movement was launched as a protest against the Rowlatt Act, the Jallianwallah Bagh Massacre and the Khilafat movement. It was pitched in under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National … Read more

DMPQ- Why Raja Ram Mohan Roy was called the Father of Modern India.

He was the Pioneer social reformer of 19th century. He introduced various reforms which rusted the Indian society for long. The evils of past were haunting modernisation past and has kept virtually half of the population at the mercy of other half. The kind of reforms brought by him introduce humane elements of modern society. … Read more