DMPQ- What are Plains? What are different type of Plains?

A plain is a broad area of relatively flat land and is one of the major landforms on the earth surface. There are various types of Plains which are discussed as: Structural plains: relatively undisturbed horizontal surfaces of the earth. They are structurally depressed areas of the world that make up some of Subscribe on YouTube … Read more

DMPQ- Discuss different types of Mountain landforms.

Weathering, water, elevation, sinking, and erosion of the soil are constantly shaping the surface of the Earth. It doesn’t really happen overnight but takes hundreds and thousands of years for us to notice these changes. These are the natural processes that lead to various formations of the Landforms. Landforms originate from these geological processes. Landforms can be categorized into Mountains, Plateaus, and Plains depending … Read more

DMPQ: Write a short note on Cryosphere.

There are places on Earth that are so cold that water is frozen solid. These areas of snow or ice, which are subject to temperatures below 32°F for at least part of the year, compose the cryosphere. The term “cryosphere” comes from the Greek word, “krios,” which means cold. Ice and snow on land are one part … Read more

DMPQ: What is the strategic importance of Golan Heights.

The Golan Heights are a fertile plateau of around 1,300 sq km area lying to the north and east of the Sea of Galilee, which Israel seized from Syria during the Six-Day War of 1967, and has occupied ever since. The Golan overlooks both Israel and Syria, and offers a commanding military vantage. Israel argues that Golan is a … Read more

DMPQ-. Explain various types of revolutions, took place in Agriculture after Independence in India. How these revolutions have helped in poverty alleviation and food security in India?

After independence, India witnessed green , blue and white revolutions in farm, fishery and dairy sector respectively. Green revolution: It was initiated to achieve food security in the country. It included three components : continued expansion of farming areas, double-cropping existing farmland, using seeds with improved genetics. The Green Revolution resulted in a record grain … Read more

DMPQ- Write short note on Diastrophism.

Diastrophism refers to deformation of the Earth’s crust due to diastrophic movements (deforming movements) such as folding, faulting, warping (bending or twisting of a large area) and fracturing. All processes that move, elevate or build up portions of the earth’s crust come under diastrophism.  They include: orogenic processes involving mountain building through severe folding (crust is severely deformed Subscribe on YouTube into … Read more

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