DMPQ: Examine the methods for the calculation of MSP.

  In formulating the recommendations in respect of the level of minimum support prices and other non-price measures, the CACP takes into account a comprehensive view of the entire structure of the economy of a particular commodity or group of commodities. Other Factors include cost of production, changes in input prices, input-output price parity, trends … Read more

DMPQ: Explain in detail the methods to calculate National Income.

There are 3 methods to calculate the National income.These methods are given by Simon Kuznets. PM (Product Method) or Product service method. IM (Income Method) CM (Consumption Method) or expenditure method. In India the combination of Product method and Income methods is used for calculating the National Income.   PRODUCT METHOD: NI = GDP  – income earned in … Read more

DMPQ: Evaluate the pro and cons of decentralized economic planning.

Pros Economic planning is assumed to modify the restraining influence of limited resources by recogniz­ing the existence of particular constraints and by choosing and coordinating investment projects so as to channel these scarce factors into their most productive outlets. Planning is necessary to take care of the poor and the downtrodden who have little asset … Read more

DMPQ: Industrial efficiency is a key to sound economy. In this contest discuss the key initiative taken by India to boost industrial performance. ( economoy)

  Make in India : This programme was launched on 25th September which aims at making India a global hub for manufacturing, research and innovation and integral part of the global chain. The GoI has identified 10 ‘Champion sectors’ that have potential to become global champion, drive double digit growth in manufacturing and generate significant … Read more

DMPQ: Analyze why Indian economy is considered as planned developing economy.

Poverty, low per capita income, under-development, unemployment, prompted the newly established Indian polity to adopt economic planning for the development of the country. The idea of economic planning can be traced to 1934, when M. Visvesverayya in his book ‘Planned Economy of India’, advocated for planning to increase the national income. It was taken up … Read more

DMPQ: What are the efforts taken by Central government to control inflation? (economics)

  Advisories are being issued, to state govt. to take strict action against hoarding and black marketing and effectively enforcing the essential commodities act,1980 for commodities in short supply. Regular review meeting on price and availability situation, inter ministerial committee, price stabilisation fund management committee. Higher MSP so as to incentivise production and thereby enhance … Read more

DMPQ: As India emerges as one of the world ‘s largest economies, it needs to gradually move from being a net consumer of knowledge to becoming a net producer. Discuss the issue attached with Expenditure on Science and Technology?

Issues attached :   As a proportion of GDP expenditure on Science and Tech has been stagnated. It is between 0.6-0.7% of GDP over the past two decades. Expenditure is skewed in favour of Atomic energy, space, earth science , Biotechnology and the expenditure on ICMR is on decline. As compared to its peer competitors, … Read more

DMPQ: Explain the following terms: (Economy)

Withholding tax: A tax imposed on the income on a foreign portfolio (investments). This tax is imposed to discourage foreign investments, to encourage domestic investment, and to raise money for the government.   Venture capital: Generally, a private equity capital which lends capital to the entrepreneurs who are innovative and cannot get the required fund … Read more

DMPQ: What are the aims of the trade policy of India ?

Foreign Trade Policy of India has always focused on substantially increasing the country’s share of global merchandise trade. Accordingly the Government of India has been taking various steps towards boosting its trade with the rest of the world by adopting policies and procedures which would help to increase and facilitate both exports and imports with … Read more