02.10.21 Daily [Telangana] TSPSC Current Affairs

Telangana Affairs

In a bid to attract investments fromspaceplayers, theTelanganagovernment on Thursday released its draft SpaceTech Framework and called for comments from stakeholders by October 25.

The policy framework aims to propel as a one-stop destination in the space-tech segment by becoming an end-to-end manufacturing hub from design to testing as well as launch activities.

It said that there is a huge dependency on ISROs capabilities for availing testing Services. While certain Infrastructure would only be available with ISRO, a set of sector agnostic infrastructure would be available in national research institutions across the state such as ARCI, NRSC, Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL), DEFENCE Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), among others.

The State Government will facilitate and establish a system where under-utilised infrastructure of such institutions can be leveraged for testing of space tech systems.

The draft policy noted that manufacturing of satellites and launchers utilises various materials that require very specific characteristics. To support the Industry in this procurement process, state agencies like T-Works will leverage their Network of suppliers.

The state government will also set up a space-tech accelerator center in PARTNERSHIP with T-Works, RICH, T-Hub and We-Hub to provide the required incubation, infrastructure, authorisation support, market insights, investor connect and mentorship support for space-tech startups.

National and International Affairs

Vayo Naman Programme Organised By Govt. In Honour Of Senior Citizens

Ministry of Social and Empowerment organises Vayo Naman Programme on the International Day of Older Persons, in honour of senior citizens, in New Delhi on 1 October.


Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu is the chief guest of the programme and will present the Vayosheshtra Samman Awards.

The vice-chairman will dedicate the Elderly Help Line 14567 to the state and launch the Senior Able Citizens Reemployment in Dignity (SACRED) and Senior Care Ageing Growth Engine (SAGE) Portals on this occasion.

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