30.01.21 Telangana (TSPSC) Daily Current Affairs

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Telangana rises 8 spots to be no. 3 in delivering justice to people


Surpassing many states, Telangana has risen to third place in the country in delivering justice. The second edition of India Justice Report (IJR), India’s only ranking of states on delivery of Justice to people, on Thursday stated that Telangana jumped eight spots to get into the top three club.

More number of women as judges at district judiciary and better legal aid to the poor were two of the reasons for the rank, among others, that contributed to the growth of Telangana. The progress displayed in four key wings — police, prisons, judiciary and legal aid — was recorded by the researchers before giving the ranks to individual states.


The India Justice Report (IJR) is an initiative of Tata Trusts in collaboration with Centre for Social Justice, Common Cause, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, DAKSH, TISS–Prayas, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy and How India Lives. The maiden IJR was announced in 2019.


Each pillar was analysed through the prism of budgets, human resources, personnel workload, diversity, infrastructure, and trends, against the state’s own declared standards and benchmarks. The report assessed how all the 29 states and seven UTs have built their capacities and, out of them, ranked the 18 large and mid-sized states and seven small-sized states introducing a spirit of competitiveness.


USA Restores Relations with Palestine


The US Presidential Administration announced that it will resume relations with the Palestinians and provide assistance to Palestine refugees.

This is a reversal of the shutdown of the Donald Trump administration and a key element of its new support for the two-state solution to the decades-long conflict that Israel and Palestine have agreed to.

Palestine is officially recognized as a Palestinian state by the United Nations and other entities.

It is a legally sovereign state in West Asia. Although its administrative center is currently located in Ramallah, the West Bank (on the border with Israel and Jordan) and the Gaza Strip (on the border with Israel and Egypt) have Jerusalem as the designated capital.

Since 1948, the entire territory claimed by the State of Palestine has been occupied

by Egypt and Jordan, and then by Israel after the Six-Day War in 1967.



New Central Bank Digital Currency India

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is studying whether India needs a new central bank digital currency (CBDC) and is exploring ways to implement digital currency operations.

RBI’s statement is based on the popularity of private digital currencies, virtual currencies and encrypted currencies.

These currencies cannot be used in India because regulators and governments have been skeptical of the risks associated with these currencies.

Therefore, the Reserve Bank of India is exploring the possibility of requiring a digital version of fiat currency.

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is legal tender and is a central bank liability in digital form. Digital currencies are priced in sovereign currencies.


Integrated Weapons System Design Centre in DRDO


The Vice President of India established an Integrated Weapon System Design Center at the Dr APJ Abdul Kalam missile complex in DRDO, Hyderabad.


It is said that the Integrated Weapon System Design facility will enhance the design and development capabilities of command and control systems for surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems and ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems.

The centre will focus on the overall system design and evaluation methods of advanced missile systems, and will help improve the performance of the missile.


National Mission for Edible Oil Agriculture Ministry


The Ministry of Agriculture has proposed the establishment of a National Mission for Edible Oil to increase domestic supply and reduce dependence on imports. It has been proposed to carry out the mission within the next five years from 2020-21 to 2024-25.



NMEO is composed of the following three Sub-Missions, which aims to increase the production of oilseeds and edible oil from the following three aspects:

Primary sources-it includes Annual Crops, Plantation Crops and Edible TBO

Secondary sources-it includes Rice bran oil and Cotton seed oil.

Consumers are aware of keeping the consumption of edible oil constant at 19.00 kg per person per year.


The purpose of this mission is to increase the output of oilseeds from 30.88 tons to 47.8 million tons. It plans to produce 7.00 to 11 million tons of edible oil from Primary sources by 2024-25. In addition, the edible oil from Secondary sources will increase from 3.50 times to 7 million tons.

Gross enrolment ratio of girls in schools improved from 2014-15 to 2018-19: WCD

The gross enrolment ratio of girls in schools at secondary level has improved from 2014-15 to 2018-19, and there have been promising trends of improvement in sex ratio at birth.

Sharing the achievements of the government’s Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Andolan (BBBP) ahead of National Girl Child Day on Sunday, the ministry said the scheme has resulted in increased awareness and sensitisation of the masses regarding prevalence of gender bias and role of community in eradicating it.

In a statement, it said the gross enrolment ratio of girls in schools at secondary level has improved from 77.45 (2014-15) to 81.32 (2018-19-provisional figures) as per UDISE-data.

Some districts which had very low SRB in 2014-15 have shown huge improvement after implementation of the scheme such as Mau (Uttar Pradesh) from 694 (2014-15) to 951 (2019-20), Karnal (Haryana) from 758 (2014-15) to 898 (2019-20), Mahendergarh (Haryana) from 791 (2014-15) to 919 (2019-20), Rewari (Haryana) from 803 (2014-15) to 924 (2019-20), and Patiala (Punjab) from 847 (2014-15) to 933 (2019-20).


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