Telangana Human Development Index

Telangana Human Development Index Human development is a process of enlarging people’s choices. But human development is also the objective, so it is both a process and an outcome. Human development implies that people must influence the processes that shape their lives. In all this, economic growth is an important means to human development, but not … Read more

Natural and Power Resources of Telangana

Natural and Power Resources of Telangana   Telangana locale has rich characteristic assets. 10 for every penny of the nation’s coal stores in the nation are likewise found here. Minerals are of incredible monetary esteem and have possessed a trademark put among all the financial assets. Minerals and mineral ventures have huge large scale joins … Read more

History of telangana ( from Vedic age to Gupta)

History of telangana ( from Vedic age to Gupta) Telangana, as a geographical and political entity was born on June 2, 2014 as the 29th and the youngest state in Union of India. However, as an economic, social, cultural and historical entity it has a glorious history of at least two thousand five hundred years … Read more

Handicrafts of Telangana

Handicrafts of Telangana:- With the formation of Telangana state in the year 2014, there have been impressive strides in every arena. The state is known for its rich repertoire of arts and Handicrafts of Telangana and it is not an exaggeration to say that every district in the region, is home to one or the other … Read more

Art forms of Telangana

Art forms of Subscribe on YouTube Telangana:- There are more than 160 folk Art forms of Telangana or Telugu land. Telangana has larger number of art forms performed by traditional artist communities. Most of them have “Tyaagam” tradition, that is a right to get cash and kind from respective communities. Some classical Art forms of … Read more

Fairs and Festivals of Telangana

Fairs and Festivals of Telangana:- In Telangana, one can clearly witness the composite, pluralistic and inclusive culture and traditions. Be it Bathukamma, Sankranthi, Ramzan, Moharram, or Christmas, the region is a beacon of secular traditions and festive glory. Bathukamma is a colourful and vibrant floral festival of Telangana, Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube … Read more

Minerals of Telangana

Minerals of Telangana Minerals are of great economic value and have occupied a characteristic place amongst all the economic resources. Minerals and mineral industries have significant macro links with the economy of a country. Mining activity generates employment opportunities; is obviously an important source of tax revenue and contributes to national income thereby leading to … Read more

Population of Telangana

Population of Telangana Telangana is the 29th state of India, formed on the 2nd of June 2014. The state has an area of 1,12,077 Sq. Km. and has a population of 3,50,03,674. The Telangana region was part of the Hyderabad state from Sept 17th 1948 to Nov 1st 1956, until it was merged with Andhra … Read more

River of Telangana For Telangana PSC

River of Telangana Rivers and Drainage System of Telangana Drainage systems Drainage systems, also known as river systems, are the patterns formed by the streams, rivers, and lakes in a particular drainage basin. They are governed by the topography of the land, whether a particular region is dominated by hard or soft rocks, and the gradient of the land. River of Telangana/Drainage … Read more

Soil of Telangana for Telangana PSC

Soil of Telangana INTRODUCTION Soil is an important matter for cultivation of crops. Soil supplies all the important factors for the growth of the crop plants. The yielding potential is largely dependent on the soil in which the crops are grown. The type and properties of soil directly affect the crop growth and yield, hence … Read more

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