Telangana Schemes and Project

 Telangana Schemes and Project   Kalyana Lakshmi Scheme Telangana govt. is implementing Kalyana Lakshmi Scheme in the state since 2014 to provide financial assistance to SC/ST girl’s marriage. The state govt. is offering around Rs. 75000 cheque on girl marriage who belongs to SC/ST family and minority communities. As a part of its welfare measures … Read more

Telangana Trade and Commerce

Telangana Trade and Commerce Historic View:- The British had set up Hyderabad as the largest state in the Indian Subscribe on YouTube subcontinent, but left it with a backward economy. The richer agricultural regions which the Nizam had earlier controlled – Berar (Vidarbha) and coastal Andhra-were annexed to British territories. Based primarily on the Deccan … Read more

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