If you look at the exam pattern, the total number of questions in this exam is 100 and you will get only 60 minutes (one hour) to solve all the questions. The difficulty level will obviously be easier in the Preliminary exam, as compared to the Main exam.

Pattern of SBI PO 2015 Preliminary Exam

Reasoning Ability: 35 Questions

Quantitative Aptitude: 35 Questions

English: 30 Questions

you have to qualify all the three sections and score well in the exam, to get a call in the next phase i.e. SBI PO Mains (Tier II) exam. Smart strategy gets you good scores.  But knowing what questions to attempt first can make a whole lot of difference. As banking exams are all about accuracy, speed, and knowing the questions you should do first, you can never skip any one of the above aspects if you are looking to score well. But the catch is that your speed and accuracy in the exam depends a lot on questions you attempt first.

Negative Marking

Negative marking system exists in the scoring pattern of this exam, which is why you must ensure that you answer the questions attempted correctly. A few wrong answers could ruin your chances of making through this exam successfully. Put in your time and effort into questions that you are a hundred percent confident about, and which can be solved without wasting too much time.

  • Tips & Strategy for each section – the best approach is to do a section wise planning, focus on your strengths and weakness and work on them accordingly.
  •  Which section should I attempt first in SBI Prelim Exam and why?

Go for the section first you’re most confident with. If you are good in solving questions of the English Language section, then attempt that section first, or if you are good in Reasoning or Quant start your exam with those sections. This will give you a lot of confidence. Once, your confidence is boosted, go for the subject you find the toughest.

  • Considering this theory, we have brought you a detailed section – wise study of questionsyou must attempt first to score well in the SBI PO Prelim Exam 2015. So here we go –

I. English Language: Undoubtedly, candidates can start with questions they have good command over. But still there are a few ideal points, which will help them in deciding the order of questions to be answered. It is always a good idea to attempt the English section in the following order:

  1. Fill in the Blanks
  2. Cloze test
  3. Spotting the Error
  4. Para-jumbles
  5. Reading Comprehension

II. Reasoning: Start with those questions which are not lengthy and which appear easy to you. It is always a good idea to attempt the Reasoning section in the following order:

  1. Syllogism
  2. Inequality
  3. Miscellaneous questions
  4. Input/Output
  5. Seating Arrangement/ Puzzle – Do not start reasoning section with these types of questions, if you get stuck on these questions, you will lose valuable time.

III. Quantitative Aptitude: Quant is the most scoring section. You must first attempt the questions you are most confident about. Do not start quant section with those questions which are lengthy or involve too many calculations. Try to solve questions using various tricks to save time. It is always a good idea to attempt the Quant section in the following order:

  1. Simplification –
  2. Data Interpretation – Questions on Data Interpretation are usually scoring, short and not very time consuming, and thereby should be the first ones to be solved.
  3. Miscellaneous questions – Average, Profit & Loss, Time & Work, etc.
  4. Number series – Please do not stick on trying to solve number series questions. Skip the questions, if you are unable to find the series.

Note: You must not attempt questions serial wise. Attempt those questions which appear easy to you.

  • How much time to allocate in each section? 

A total of one hour is allotted for all the three sections in this examination. To qualify each section to score overall good marks, time Management is very important. To master your timing skills make a target time and achieve it. So, here we bring to you a time allocation strategy across each section in the exam –

  • Time Management for each section – 

sbi po 2015

  • Short Cut to achieve success in SBI PO Prelim exam is to find and attempt easy questions first. You will be in a safe zone if you can fetch 10 to 12 marks in each section plus an overall 45-50 marks to get into Phase II. Each question needs a certain time to be solved, the question to time ratio in the SBI PO exam is less than 1. Thus, skip all the time consuming questions and do them later when you are sure that you have attempted as many easy and scoring questions as you could have.
  • Reach your center on time – The candidates have to report to the test center at least 1 hour prior to the exam schedule.The SBI PO 2015 prelim exam will be conducted in 4 shifts –

sbi po 2015

We hope that these tips will help you all in managing your time properly and come out with flying colors.

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