DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Blue Revolution?
Promote “Blue Revolution” through a multipronged approach and introduction of alternate species.
Develop a policy framework for allotment of marine areas and large reservoirs for cage culture through fi shermen cooperatives/private participation or by consortium.
Establish SPF Brood Stock Multiplication centres and aquatic quarantine centres for L.vannamei for production and supply of SPF brood stock
Examine opportunities for reduction of cost of production of fi sh/shrimp in areas of power, feed and others.
To establish and manage more fi shing harbours and fi sh landing centres at all feasible coastal villages.
Build better skills for women for more productive role in fi sheries sector through Matsya Mithra Groups/ Fisherwomen Cooperative Societies in fi sh marketing and fi sh processing.
Create and enabling policy environment brining about necessary legislations and policy guidelines.