The State Secretariat, as the top layer of the state administration, is primarily meantto assist the state government in policy making and in discharging its legislativefunctions. It also acts as a memory and a clearing house, preparatory to certaintypes of decisions and as a general supervisor of executive action . The mainfunctions of the State Secretariat are broadly as follows:
- Assisting the ministers in policy making, in modifying policies from time to time and in discharging their legislative responsibilities
- Framing draft legislation, and rules and regulations
- Coordinating policies and programmes, supervising and controlling their execution, and reviewing of the results
- iv) Budgetingand control of expenditure
- Maintaining contact with the Government of India and other state governments;
- Overseeing the smooth and efficient running of administrative 288 448s170.8 0 213.4-11.5c23.5-6.3 42-24.2 48.3-47.8 11.4-42.9 11.4-132.3 11.4-132.3s0-89.4-11.4-132.3zm-317.5 213.5V175.2l142.7 81.2-142.7 81.2z"/> Subscribe on YouTube