Early Medieval Age (800-1200 A.D.) – North India-Rajput Age-Chandelas-Quiz 1
Early Medieval Age (800-1200 A.D.) – North India-Rajput Age-Chandelas practice question developed by pscnotes team [WATU 4]
TSPSC Prelims and Mains Notes-TSPSC Test Series
Early Medieval Age (800-1200 A.D.) – North India-Rajput Age-Chandelas practice question developed by pscnotes team [WATU 4]
The Delhi Sultanate basically refers to the Muslim rulers who ruled India through Delhi. This basically came into existence after Mohammed Ghori captured Delhi after defeating Prithviraj. After Prithviraj was captured, the Delhi Sultanate went into the hands of one of Ghori's generals known as Qutub-ud-din Aibak. During the end of the 12th century, … Read more
The Seuna, Sevuna or of Devagiri (c. 850–1334) was an Indian dynasty, which at its peak ruled a kingdom stretching from the Tungabhadra to the Narmada rivers, including present-day Maharashtra, north Karnataka and parts of Madhya Pradesh, from its capital at Devagiri (present-day Daulatabad in modern Maharashtra). The initially ruled as feudatories of the … Read more
The Bahmani kingdom came into existence in 1347AD. Alauddin Hasan, an Afghan, founded the Sultanate after revolted against the Bin Tuglaq, sultan of Delhi. He ruled it under the title of Bahaman Shah. He was also known as Hasan Gangu, as he had risen in the servise of a Brahmin, named Gangu. … Read more
Kannauj is one among the most ancient place of India having rich archeological and cultural heritage, The ancient name of this place is Kanyakubja or Mahodya (as per Balmiki Ramayana, Mahabharat and Puran) later name Join Our Telegram Channel kanyakubja was changed as Kannauj the present name of the District. The early history … Read more