Rajasthan is devided into four main physical regions which are as follows:-
1:- Western Desert Plains
2:- Aravalli Region (part of Gondwana land) Gurushikar 1722 m
3:- Eastern Plains
4:- Hadoti Region (Black Soil)
Western Desert Plains
it has following sub regions:
- ghagar plains
- shekhawati region
- nagori highlands
- luni basin
It covers 61.11% area(highest) and 40 % population(highest)
Climate it dry and extreme hot and soil is sandy
rivers:- luni, ghaghar, kakni,kantli
Aravalli Region
it has following sub regions:
- north east aravali region
- mid aravali region
- mevar hills or bhorat highlands
- abu mountains
It covers 9% area and 10 % population
Climate it semiarid and rainfall is 50cm-100cm and soil is brown-black,mountaneous
rivers:- banas,Kothari,khari, sabarmati,vakal
Eastern Plains
it has following sub regions:
- chambal basin
- banas basin
- mahi basin
- banganga basin
It covers 23% area and 39 % population
Climate it semiarid and rainfall is 50cm-80cm and soil is yellow
crops:-wheat, gram,pulses,sugarcane,peanuts,jwar
Hadoti Region (Black Soil)
it has following sub regions:
- deccan highlands
- vindhyan region
It covers 6.89% area and 11 % population
Climate it semiarid and rainfall is 80cm-100cm and soil is volcanic
crops:-tobacco , opium,soyabean
rivers:- chambal,kali sindh,parvati,parvan,aahu,nevaj