Per capita govt staff number low in Telangana
The Pay Revision Commission (PRC) has revealed that Telangana is at number seven in terms of sanctioned strength in the country. However, the available cadre
strength largely reduced the per capita personnel available in the state.If the entire sanctioned strength is working, the state will have 14 employees per 1,000 population (state’s population approximately 3.52 crore), but as the available cadre strength is only 61%, only 8.5 personnel are available for every 1,000 citizens.
Among the states, Maharashtra has the highest sanctioned strength of state government employees with 19, 00,000 jobs as per latest data. Interestingly, Telangana is at the fourth place with high expenditure over salaries and jobs (2016- 17 data). The state spends Rs 30, 930 crore revenue expenditure on salaries and wages. Punjab is at the top having highest expenditure on salaries, Rs 81, 432 crore.
Telangana has 3,00,178 employees of the 4,91,304 sanctioned posts. Education department has the highest number of employees, 1.13 lakh as against 1.37 lakh sanctioned strength. The next big department with a large human resource is the home department with 61,212 staff against the sanctioned strength of 98,394.
Nepal decides to award hydropower project to India’s Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam
Nepal has decided to award the contract for construction of 679 megawatt Lower Arun Hydropower Project to India’s Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN). ‘‘
The project was awarded to the SJVN under the Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) delivery method. ‘‘
Similar to the Arun III hydel project, which will provide 21 per cent free power to Nepal during the concession period, the developer of the Lower Arun hydel project should also prioritise providing certain percent of power free of cost. ‘‘
The developer will hand over the ownership of the project to the government of Nepal after 20 years of commercial operation.
India ranks 10th in EIU’s Asia-Pacific Personalised Health Index
India has been ranked 10th among 11 Asia Pacific countries in a newly-launched ‘Asia-Pacific Personalised Health Index’ by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). ‘‘
The index aims to measure the progress of each of the 11 countries towards adopting personalised healthcare, enabling the right care to be made available to the right person at the right time. ‘‘
Overall, Singapore has topped the index. It is followed by Taiwan (2nd), Japan (3rd) and Australia (4th). ‘‘
Indonesia was the last ranked country at 11th in the index.
Indian Coast Guard celebrates its 45th Raising Day on 01 February
The Indian Coast Guard celebrated its 45th Raising Day on 01 February 2021.
The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) through its tireless pursuits of excellence has established itself as a reliable force that responds with alacrity to situations impinging on the Security of the Coastline, Safety of the Seafaring Community and Coastal Populace.
As the fourth largest Coast Guard in the world, Indian Coast Guard has played a significant role in securing the Indian Coasts and enforcing regulations within the Maritime Zones of India.
On an average, the Coast Guard saves one precious life every second day at sea.
From a modest beginning with just 7 surface platforms in 1978, ICG has grown into a formidable force with 156 ships and 62 aircraft in its inventory and is likely to achieve targeted force levels of 200 surface platforms and 80 aircraft by 2025.
National Marine Turtle Action Plan by Union Ministry
The Union Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change issued the “National Marine Turtle Action Plan” and also issued the Marine Mega Fauna Stranding Guidelines.
These documents contain methods to not only promote inter-departmental protection actions, but also guide the government, civil society and all relevant stakeholders to strengthen coordination and protection in response to cases of stranding, entanglement, injury or death of marine mammals and also conservation of Marine Turtles.
These two documents focus on the actions that should be taken when dealing with stranded animals on the shore, animals stranded or entangled at sea or on ships, to improve coordination, reduce threats to marine species and their habitats, and restore
degraded habitats. Promote people’s participation, advance scientific research and the exchange of information about marine mammals and turtles and their habitats.
NSO released Revised Estimates of Economic Growth
The National Statistical Office (NSO) released revised estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data on January 29, 2020. This data has been revised for the 2017-18 to 2019-20 fiscal year.
The first revised estimate shows a 4% increase in GDP in the 2019-20 fiscal year. This is 20 basis points lower than the 4.2% growth in provisional estimate released in 2020.
This highlights that GDP is expected to shrink by 7.7% in 2020-21 and will grow to 7.8%.
The second revised estimate of GPD for 2018-19 is 6.5%, while the third revised estimate of 2017-18 GDP is 6.8%.
Previously, GDP growth in 2018-19 and 2017-18 was 6.1% and 7%, respectively.
In addition, the revised estimates for 2019-20 have reduced the growth of the primary and secondary sectors. However, it expects a positive growth trajectory in the tertiary sector.
The Gross Value Added (GVA) of the secondary sector shrank by 1.1% in 2019-20, while the GVA of the tertiary sector will increase by 7.2% in the revised estimate.