10.05.21 Daily TPSC Current Affairs


Telangana: Districts with zero cases earlier now hotspots


While the state has identified 491 micro-containment zones, alarming trends are being observed in the districts which were reporting zero cases like Nirmal.

They have a high number of micro-containment zones, indicating rapid spread of Covid-19 cases across the state.

Nirmal district, which reported zero cases at one point, now has the third-highest number of micro-containment zones at 32.

Nizamabad district, which had become a hotspot after GHMC, has equal number of micro-containment zones as GHMC. Among 33 districts, except Narayanpet, all districts have micro-containment zones now.


India, France, Australia – First Trilateral Dialogue


On the view of the G7 foreign ministers meeting, the first ever trilateral dialogue at the ministerial level of foreign affairs of India, France, and Australia was held in London, England. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. S. Jaishankar of India, the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, Mr. Jean-Yves Le Drian, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia, Senator Marise Payne attended the meeting.

The tripartite meeting between France, India, and Australia was initiated at the foreign secretary level in September 2020, but it has been upgraded to ministerial level within one year from the date of its establishment. It has the three common priorities of maritime security, environment and multilateralism.

The members of the G7 are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Global Report on Food Crises by GNAFC

The Global Anti-Food Crisis Network (GNAFC) released the “2021 Global Food Crisis Report”. GNAFC is an international alliance composed of the European Union, the United Nations, and other governmental and non-governmental organizations.

According to the report, the economic crisis is the main reason for pushing 40 million people into hunger in 2020. Compared with 2019, this number has increased by 24 million people.

Conflicts related to COVID-19, extreme weather and economic shocks are pushing millions of people into food insecurity.

According to the report, by 2020, more than 155 million people will experience severe food insecurity. Compared with 2019, this number has increased by 20 million. Among them, 133,000 people are in the most serious period of food insecurity. They are mainly from Burkina Faso, Yemen and South Sudan.

By 2020, more than 28 million poplars will face emergency-level food insecurity. The emergency level means they are only one step away from starvation. Urgent action to prevent the spread of famine.



IREDA Conferred with Green Urja Award


IRDEA (Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd) has been conferred with the “Green Urja Award” for being the Leading Public Institution in the Financing Institution for Renewable Energy this year by means of the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

IREDA gets the award for the pivotal & developmental position it plays in Green Energy Financing.

Despite the pandemic time, IREDA has ended the year 2020-21 ended on a strong observe and disbursed the 2nd highest (from the date of inception) quantity of loan amounting to Rs. 8827 crores, which shows that IREDA has the capability to translate this trouble into an opportunity.

 SWAMIH Completes Its First Residential Project


As the Special Window for Affordable and Mid-Income Housing (SWAMIH) Fund completes its first residential project, Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs handed over possession to homebuyers.


Rivali Park, a residential development in Mumbai’s suburbs, was the first housing project in India to receive SWAMIH Fund funding.

In 2019, the SWAMIH Fund was launched.

Rivali Park Wintergreens is the Fund’s first investment and also the first project to be completed.

Despite COVID-19-related constraints, the SWAMIH Investment Fund is one of India’s largest private equity teams and has done commendable work.


Indian Researchers Sequence Pangolin Scales


Indian scientists have sequenced 624 pangolin scales, allowing them to differentiate between Indian and Chinese pangolins.


Despite being classified in Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972, pangolins are still the most trafficked mammal on the world.

The primary demand for its scales in the production of

conventional East Asian medicines has resulted in a $2.5 billion annual illicit trade.
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