I. The idea of Telangana (1948-1970)
1.Historical Background: Telangana as a distinctive cultural unit in Hyderabad Princely State, its geographical, cultural, socio, political and economic features- People of Telagangana-castes, tribes, religion, arts, crafts, languages, dialects, fairs, festivals and important places in Telangana. Administration in Hyderabad Princely State and Administrative Reforms of Salar Jung and Origins of the issue of Mulkis-Non-Mulkis; Employment and Civil Services Rules under Mir Osman Ali Khan, VII Nizam’s Farman of 1919 and Definition of Mulki – Establishment of Nizam’s Subjects League known as the Mulki League 1935 and its Significance; Merger of Hyderabad State into Indian Union in 1948; Employment Policies under Military Rule and Vellodi,1948-1952; Violation of Mulki-Rules and Its Implications.
2.Hyderabad State in Independent India- Formation of Popular Ministry under Burgula Ramakrishna Rao and 1952 Mulki-Agitation; Demand for Employment of Local people and City College Incident- Its importance. Justice Jagan Mohan Reddy Committee Report, 1953
– Initial debates and demand for Telangana State-Reasons for the Formation of States Reorganization Commission (SRC) under Fazal Ali in 1953-Main Provisions and Recommendations of SRC-Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s views on SRC and smaller states.
3.Formation of Andhra Pradesh, 1956: Gentlemen’s Agreement – its Provisions and Recommendations; Telangana Regional Committee, Composition and Functions-Violation of Safeguards-Migration from Coastal Andhra Region and its Consequences;Post-1970
Development Scenario in Telangana- Agriculture, Irrigation, Power, Education, Employment, Medical and Health etc.
4.Violation of Employment and Service Rules: Origins of Telangana Agitation- Protest in Kothagudem and other places, Fast unto Death by Ravindranath; 1969 Agitation for Separate Telangana. Role of Intellectuals, Students, Employees in Jai Telangana Movement.
5.Formation of Telangana Praja Samithi and Course of Movement – the Spread of Telangana Movement- Major Events, Leaders and Personalities– All Party Accord – G.O. 36 –
Suppression of Telangana Movement and its Consequences-The Eight Point and Five-Point Formulas-Implications.
II. Mobilisational phase (1971 -1990)
1.Court Judgements on Mulki Rules- Jai Andhra Movement and its Consequences- Six Point Formula 1973, and its Provisions; Article 371-D, Presidential Order, 1975-Officers (Jayabharat Reddy) Committee Report- G.O. 610 (1985); its Provisions and Violations- Reaction and Representations of Telangana Employees 2.
Rise and Spread of Naxalite Movement, causes and consequences – Anti-Landlord Struggles in Jagityala-Siricilla, North Telangana; Rytu-Cooli Sanghams; Alienation of Tribal Lands and Adivasi Resistance- Jal, Jungle, and Zamin.
3.Rise of Regional Parties in 1980’s and Changes in the Political, Socio-Economic and Cultural fabric of Telangana- Notion of Telugu Jathi and suppression of Telangana identity- Expansion of new economy in Hyderabad and other parts of Telangana; RealEstate, Contracts, Finance Companies; Film, Media and Entertainment Industry; Corporate Education and Hospitals etc; Dominant Culture and its implications for Telangana self respect, Dialect, Language and Culture.
4.Liberalization and Privatisation Policies in 1990’s and their consequences –
Emergence of regional disparities and imbalances in political power, administration, education, employment – Madiga Dandora and Tudum Debba movement – Agrarian crisis and decline of Handicrafts in Telangana and its impact on Telangana Society and economy.
5.Quest for Telangana identity-intellectual discussions and debates- political and ideological efforts – Growth of popular unrest against regional disparities, discrimination and under development of Telangana.
III. Towards Formation of Telangana State (1991-2014)
1.Public awakening and Intellectual reaction against discrimination- formation of Civil society organisation, Articulation of separate Telanagana Identity; Initial organisations raised the issues of separate Telangana; Telangana Information Trust – Telangana Aikya Vedika, Bhuvanagiri Sabha – Telangana Jana Sabha, Telangana Maha Sabha – Warangal Decleration – Telangana Vidyavanthula Vedika; etc., Efforts of Telangana Congress & BJP in highlighting the issue.
2.Establishment of Telangana Rashtra Samithi in 2001, Political Realignment and Electoral Alliances in 2004 and later Phase of Telangana Movement – TRS in UPA– Girgliani Committee- Telangana Employees Joint Action Committee -Pranab Mukherjee Committee- 2009-Elections-Alliances- Telangana in Election Manifestos- The agitation against Hyderabad as Free-zone – and Demand for separate Statehood- Fast-Unto-Death by K.Chandra Shekar Rao-Formation of Political Joint Action Committee (2009)
3.Role of Political Parties-TRS, Congress, B.J.P., Left parties, T.D.P., M.I.M and other political parties such as Telangana Praja Front, Telangana United Front etc., Dalit-Bahujan Sanghams and Grass roots Movement organisations -Other Joint Action Committees and popular protests- Suicides for the cause of Telangana.
4.Cultural Revivalism in Telangana, other symbolic expressions in Telangana Movement- Literary forms- performing arts and other cultural expressions-writers, poets, singers, intellectuals, Artists, Journalists, Students, Employees, Advocates, Doctors, NRIs, women, Civil society groups, organised and unorganised sectors, castes, communities and other social groups in transforming the agitation into a mass movement – Intensification of Movement, Forms of Protest and Major events: Sakalajanula Samme, Non-Cooperation Movement; Million March, etc.,
5.Parliamentary Process; UPA Government’s stand on Telangana- All-Party Meeting- Anthony Committee- Statements on Telangana by Central Home Minister – Sri Krishna Committee Report and its Recommendations, AP
Assembly and Parliamentary proceedings on Telangana, Declaration of Telangana State in Parliament, Andhra Pradesh State Reorganization Act, 2014- Elections and victory of Telangana Rashtra Samithi and the first Government of Telangana State.