Transport network in Telangana

Transport network in Telangana Road Transport network in Telangana Telangana is the 29th (the newest) state of India, coming into existence on June 2, 2014. Earlier it was a part of the state of Andhra Pradesh. It comprises of an area carved out of the ten north-western districts of the former state of Andhra Pradesh, … Read more

Vegetation of Telangana

Vegetation of Telangana Introduction: Telangana is situated largely in an upland region of the Deccan (peninsular India). Much of its surface area is occupied by the Telangana Plateau in the north and the Golconda Plateau in the south and is composed of gneissic rock (gneiss being a foliated rock formed within Earth’s interior under conditions … Read more

Wild Life and Ecotourism of Telangana

Wild Life and Ecotourism of Telangana Introduction: Telangana is a state in the Southern region of India. It has an area of Subscribe on YouTube 1,12,077 sq.kms., after the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization (amendment) Act, 2014 (as per Act No. 6of 2014 it was 1,14,840 kms.), and is the twelfth largest state in terms of both … Read more

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