DMPQ- . Point out the collective and individual privileges constitutionally given to the members of state legislature.

Collective Privileges The privileges belonging to each House of the state legislature collectively are: It has the right to publish its reports, debates and proceedings and also the right to prohibit others from publishing the same It can exclude strangers from its proceedings and hold secret sittings to discuss some important matters. It can make … Read more

DMPQ- The Rowlatt Act gave executive branch extraordinary powers to suppress any discordant voice against the legislative reforms.” Elucidate.

. Just six months before the Montford Reforms were to be put into effect, two bills were introduced in the Imperial Legislative Council. One of them was dropped, but the other—an extension to the Defence of India Regulations Act 1915—was passed in March 1919. It was what was officially called the Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes … Read more

Right To Information Act (RTI)

    Right to information is a fundamental right of any citizen of India Subscribe on YouTube to know what is happening with the government. Every individual has the freedom to seek any government related information through this RTI act 2005. The Right to Information Act (2005) is one of the key legislation enacted by … Read more

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