Tribal areas are defined as an island of extreme poverty. About 85% of the tribal people are living below poverty line and 48% are still illiterate. The causes are as follows:
- Inadequate implementation of Constitutional safeguards.
- Denial of participation to tribals in development process
- Lack of accountability : Tribal administration is still elusive from any list in the 7th
- Lack of tribal leadership: Tribal Panchsheel ideology remain on papers.
- Land alienation and displacement without adequate safeguards.
- Exploitation in forestry and other economic activities
- Socio- Cultural factors( Think)
- Unfettered participation of tribals,
- Loopholes in various laws need to be plugged.
- Steps for effective enforcement of law.
- No intermediaries or middle men between tribals and the government.
- Extend the provisions of the Vi schedule of the © to all the V schedule areas as well as other tribal majority areas already identified within or outside the tribal sub plan.
- The funds for the proposed Vi she.areas should be earmarked separately and release directly by the Union Government.
Need of closer understanding of ethos; There is need of change in approach and attitude towards the tribals, Instead of working for them, we should work with them.