Telangana Affairs
For the first time in the state, a survey is being conducted to learn about farmers paddy selling plans. Agriculture officials will communicate directly with farmers to determine the overall amount of produce they get, how much will they retain for their internal consumption and how much they intend to take to the market for sale.The survey began on Friday and will go on till September 27. Theharvestof paddy is expected around October 15 and it is set to reach the market by November.
According to officials, the government may purchase the produce locally and it will also ensure that local produce does not travel to other locations.
Paddy output, this rainy season is going to be an issue for government and farmers, with a 43 per cent rise in cultivation compared to previous year. WhileFCIhas announced only 60 lakh tonnes will be procured, a yield of 1.38 crore tonnes is projected.
Interestingly, paddy extent has decreased this season to 52 lakh acres compared to 53 lakh acres in 2020 monsoons. However, output will be larger at 1.38 crore tonnes when compared to 96 lakh tonnes last time.
National and International Affairs
Nagalands’ Naga Cucumber Gets GI Tag
Nagaland’s sweet cucumber was granted a geographical identification (GI) tag as an agricultural product.
Under the terms of The of products (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, Nagaland’s sweet cucumber was granted a geographical identification (GI) tag.
The cucumber is one of the significant vital crops within the Northeast region. Nagaland has the 5th-highest farming of this fruit area-wise and ranks 3rd in production.
Naga cucumber is distinguished for its sweetness and unique green colour. It’s rich in potassium and has low calories.
The GI tag is a crucial sign used on products with a selected geographical origin and reputation. It denotes the authenticity of not only the merchandise but the tactic during which it had been produced.
The GI tag is supposed to guard the truly unique traditions of communities against appropriating large industries and thus allow these regions economic prosperity by manufacturing, producing, and Marketing their lore.
Home Minister inaugurates 17th Formation Day of NDMA.
The <a href="https://exam.pscnotes.com/national-disaster-management-authority”>National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), 17th Formation Day, will be inaugurated in New Delhi on 28 September by Home Minister Amit Shah.
The theme of this Formation Day is Cascading effects of disaster events within the Himalayan region.
The Prime Minister’s Principal Secretary, Dr P. K. Mishra, will deliver the valediction. Ajay Kumar Mishra and Nisith Pramanik, The Ministers of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai, and the Union Home Secretary also will be present.
The technical session will see leading experts holding talks on Cascading Effects of Disaster Events within the Himalayan region within the country.
NDMA is remitted to get down policies, plans and guidelines for Disaster Management. India envisions the event of an ethos of Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness and Response.