Universal Health coverage means accessibility of health care to one and all without creating financial hardship. According to WHO, out of pocket expenditure in health sector is 63% whereas the recommended level is 10-15%. There are problems associated with health sector:
- Expenditure on health is just 2.5% of GDP it has to be near about 4% for achieving the objective of Universal health coverage.
- According to US study, India is short of 6 lakh doctors and 20 million nurses.
- Lack of Tertiary sector across the nation. It is limited to few cities. Ex. Lack of AIIMS
- Low expenditure on R&D to find out cure for diseases.
- Globalisation has exposed India to various deadly disease like Zika, MERS,H5N1 etc.
- Poor hygienic condition and urban slums increase vulnerability of Communicable disease.
- Poor knowledge about the government schemes and policies.