National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre (NCCC)
It is India’s cyberspace intelligence agency which will conduct security and electronic surveillance. It aims to screen communications metadata and work in close coordination with various law-enforcement agencies for intelligence gathering. The body, functioning under the IT ministry, would strengthen the country’s cybersecurity posture. Some have expressed concern that the body could encroach on citizens’ privacy and civil-liberties, given the lack of explicit privacy laws in the country.
India’s Computer Emergency Respose Team (CERT-In)
The CERT-In has been established to thwart cyber-attacks in India. It is mandated under the IT Amendment Act, 2008 to serve as the national agency in charge of cyber security.
Charter: “The purpose of the CERT-In is, to become the nation’s most trusted referral agency of the Indian Community for responding to computer security incidents as and when they occur”
Mission; “To enhance the security of India’s Communications and Information Infrastructure through proactive action and effective collaboration.”
Constituency : The CERT-In’s constituency is the Indian Cyber-community.
National critical information infrastructure protection centre (NCIIPC)
It is designated as the National Nodal Agency in respect of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection. Its Functions and Duties are
- protecting nation’s critical information infrastructure
- Identification of all critical information infrastructure elements
- Developing and executing national and international cooperation strategies for protection of Critical Information Infrastructure.
Cyber Swachchta Kendra (CSK)
Minister of Electronics and Information Technology launched the Cyber Swachchta Kendra– Botnet Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centre for analysis of malware and botnets that affect networks and systems. It is part of Digital India initiative. This centre will work in coordination with the internet service providers (ISPs) and Industry and will also enhance awareness among citizens regarding botnet and malware infection.