Big data is the huge amount of data which is present in an unprocessed way. It is a complex data. Big data is characterised by 3 Vs ie. Volume of data, velocity of data i.e. processed and complex variety of data. Big data has various useful application. The application of Big data can be seen in various fields. These are as follows:
- can utilise big data to analyse the performance of the schemes and policies. It will give them a chance to bring efficiency in the policies and programmes. It will act as a feedback mechanism.
- Healthcare: it will help to create database of patients, public health monitoring, how to respond during epidemic, diagnosis and consulting, to create database of genomics.
- Agriculture: Precision farming, scientific inputs, real optimisation of farm machinery, automated irrigation recommendation, monitoring of grain prices and management of inventories etc.
- E commerce: Consumer behaviour, to choose market models, real time feedback, forecasting the trend, Customer segmentation on the basis of preference.
- Disaster management: efficiency in risk warning, early identification of disaster, improve response, post disaster assessment will be easier.
- Social sector schemes: It will help to bring efficiency in social sector schemes by bringing efficiency in the feedback. Govt. can change the provisions by looking at the result.

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