RPSC has released an official notification for RAS Prelims 2018- Exam date 05/08/2018.
Finally the suspence is over—- gear up for the real fight with rasfreenotes
Detailed notes for free browsing:-
- Indian History
- Rajasthan Culture and History
- General Science
- Indian Economy
- Rajasthan Economy
- Polity
- Geography
- Rajasthan Geography
- Environment
- Current Affairs
Further you can get the immediate accessfor pdf notes by clicking here:-
- Module 1- Indian History
- Module 1A- Rajasthan Culture and History
- Module 2- General Science
- Module 3- Aptitude and Reasoning
- Module 4- Indian Economy
- Module 4A-Rajasthan Economy
- Module 5- Polity
- Module 6- : Geography
- Module 6A-Rajasthan Geography
- Module 7 -Environment
- Module 8- Current Affairs