Rajasthan : Schemes and Projects
Rajasthan Bhamashah Yojana
The state government of Rajasthan has introduced the Bhamashah Yojana and Bhamashah card to empower women. Under the scheme, the women from below poverty line (BPL) families are benefited through direct benefit transfer. The beneficiary of the scheme will get the amount directly into their bank account.
According, Bamshah card is a family card which is issued in the name of the woman because she is considered as the head of the family. In addition, the Bhamashah card is mandatory for claiming birth, death and marriage certificates. However, this card has become biggest hurdle to the beneficiaries because they are depriving of getting benefits of schemes like the Prime Minister Awas Yojana-Gramin (PMAYG), Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana etc.
under the Bhamashah Yojana, the eligible beneficiary cannot take the credit beyond the limit of Rs. 50,000. Hence, the authorities cannot release the second installment, under PMAYG scheme, which is more than Rs. 50, 000.
CM Free Coaching Scheme
Under the free coaching scheme, the state government would provide free coaching to students to take admissions in IIT, IIM, LAW and national level medical and engineering colleges.
The state government is inviting applications for Mukhyamantri free coaching scheme through its official portal at sjms.rajasthan.gov.in. The applications can also be done offline by downloading the application form from sje.rajasthan.gov.in. Under the scheme, the state government would provide free coaching to 1000 students in coaching institutes of Jaipur and Kota. The fee of coaching of Rs. 60,000 per student would be paid by the government to the coaching institution.
The household income of the applicant should be less than 2.5 lakh per annum.
Rajasthan Dishari Yojana
Under the National Higher Education Mission RUSA, the Government (Dishari Yojana) started Teacher’s Day on 5th September 2017. Under this scheme, coaching classes of supportive subjects will be started for the regular students of the college to get employment with basic education.
Under this scheme, ladies’ kit will be given to girls. The government believes that for the preparation of competitive examinations, a lot of fees is being charged in private institutions, which is difficult to afford for poor girl students of the tribal area.
- The evening classes will be organized under this scheme.
- 404 regular students of the college were registered under Dishari Yojna.
- Registration fee deposited by the girl students will be returned to any competitive exam after passing them.
Prasuti Shayata Yojana Rajasthan
For the benefit of the Prasoti Shayata Yojana, which is run by the labor department, men will also be eligible for the benefit. Only women were eligible for this scheme from Rajasthan government. But the men registered as building workers in the labor department will also get the benefit of the scheme. Under this scheme Rs. 21,000 / – and 20,000 rupees for the boy’s birth will be provided.
- At the time of delivery, the beneficiary’s age should not be less than 20 years.
- The eight pass and unmarried girls will receive Rs. 55000 after completing 18 years of age.
- The said amount can be spent by the girls in marriage for their education and industry.
Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Palanhar Yojana
This scheme was initiated to provide assistance to the nearest relatives of the orphan children for their upbringing, education, health and wealth instead or running a special institution for the orphan children.
- Maximum 3 children of widowed mother of destitute pension
- Maximum three children of the mother going to be born
- Remarriage of widow
- Annual income of the Companion family should not exceed 1.20 lakh rupees
Rajasthan Kanya Shadi Sahyog Yojana
Under this scheme, Government will provide assistance for marriage of two daughters of poor / scheduled caste / BPL families. The government will provide financial assistance of Rs. 10000 as girl marriage assistance. The purpose of this scheme is to provide support for marriage to the families suffering from poverty and economic status in the state. This scheme is for the economically backward people who can not marry their girls.
Under this scheme, the government will pay 20000 rupees for the marriage of a girl of 18 years. And for the marriage of the 10th pass girl, Rs. 30000 will be given. 40000 rupees will be paid for the marriage of a bachelor’s degree holder girl.
Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana
The State Government of Rajasthan has launched a new scheme named ‘Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana‘ to encourage girl child education and arrest female feticide. This scheme has been launched for the welfare of girls.
Under this scheme, Government provides financial assistance to the girl child in the state for their health and education. Mukhyamantri Rajshri Yojana is providing a timely scholarship to the girl child from birth to education up to 12th class. This scholarship and financial assistance are provided by the Department of Women and Child Affairs, Rajasthan.
Mukhyamantri Rajshree Yojana
To develop a positive attitude towards the girl child in the society and to improve health and education status of the girl child in the State, this flagship scheme has been started which expects to bring Women Empowerment and gender equality in the State. Under this scheme, a total grant of 50,000 is being provided in 6 instalments to the parents/guardians of the eligible girl. A total number of 3,16,066 girls have been benefitted with the first instalment of the scheme in a period from 1st June, 2016 to December, 2016.
Annapurna Bhandar Yojana
Annpurna Bhandar Yojana was announced by Hon’ble Chief Minister.It is a unique project in India under PPP mode for modernization of Public Distribution System. The process of development of fair price shops into Annapurna Bhandars has already started in the State, where multi brand quality consumer goods are being provided to consumers at reasonable & competitive prices. In first phase, 5,008 Fair Price Shops have been converted as “Annpurna Bhandars” out of 25,000 FPS in the State Mukhya Mantri Nishulk Dava Yojna” was launched on 2ndOctober, 2011. The scheme aims to benefit all the patients coming to government hospitals. Under this scheme, all outdoor and indoor patients visiting medical college attached hospitals, district hospitals, community health centers, primary health centers and sub centers, are provided commonly used essential medicines, free of cost. Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation (RMSC) has been constituted as a central procurement agency for purchase of medicines and surgical sutures for medical department and Medical Education department. RMSC is supplying medicines etc. to all Government health institutions through District Drug Ware Houses (DDWH) established in all 33 districts of the State.
Bhamasha Swasthaya Bima Yojana was launched in the state on 13th December, 2015. The main objective of this scheme is to provide cashless healthcare services to the poor families (under selected families of NFSA – 2013 and RSBY) of Rajasthan thus providing social and financial security against illness to these families and reducing out of pocket expenditure. Health Insurance cover of `30,000 (for general illnesses) and of `3.00 lakh (for critical illnesses) per family per year is provided on floater basis.
Total 1,715 disease packages are offered under the scheme, for which reserved list include 1,148 secondary packages, 500 tertiary packages and 67 Government Medical Institution packages.
Rajasthan Janani Shishu Suraksha Yojna
To reduce the IMR and high mortality rate of women during childbirth, the State Government is implementing the “Rajasthan Janani Shishu Suraksha Yojna” in the State with the assistance of Government of India to provide free medical and other facilities to pregnant women and new born children. Under this scheme, free-medicines, consumables, lab-tests, food, blood facilities, referral transport facilities etc. are being provided.
MukhyaMantri Jal Swawlamban Abhiyaan –(MJSA)
The main purpose of this Abhiyaan is to make approximately 21,000 villages water self reliant in four years by raising funds through convergence, public contributions and donations etc.
In first phase, out of 96,709 works of MJSA, 95,071 works were completed and the second phase has been started from 9th December, 2016.
Externally added Projects
Rajasthan Rural Livelihood Project (RRLP) – World Bank
This project is funded by the World Bank. The project cost is 870 crore in which 769.90 crore is World Bank loan portion and `100.10 crore will be borne by the State Government. Project become effective from June, 2011 and was scheduled to be completed in October, 2016 which has been extended upto October, 2018.
Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan – IFAD
The total original cost of this project is 415 crore. Initially, the project period was of six years starting from December 2008 to December 2014 which has now been extended by IFAD upto December, 2017. The revised cost of this project is `291 crore. The funding of this project would be made by IFAD (124 crore including `2.40 crore as Grant), Sir Ratan Tata Trust (13 crore as Grant), Bank Credit (56 crore), State share (87.50 crore) and Beneficiaries Contribution (10.50 crore). The objective of this project is to mitigate poverty of the target group households through improved livelihoods, strengthened capacity, sustainable enterprises and natural resources management and increased access to physical and financial markets.
Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Investment Program (RUSDIP)
This is an ADB assisted project under Multi-tranche Financing Facility (MFF). Original cost of this project was US$390M (`1,560 crore). Revised cost of the project is US$ 365M (`1,762 crore). At present, after curtailment of loan by ADB due to saving and devaluation of rupee, the total amount is available US$ 344M. Project became effective from February, 2008 and was scheduled to be completed in June,
2015 which has been extended upto December, 2016.
Rajasthan Forestry and Biodiversity Project Phase-II (RFBP-II) – JICA
This project is funded by the Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA). The project cost is 1,152.53 crore in which `884.80 crore is JICA loan and rest 267.73 crore will be borne by the State Government. Project is effective from October, 2011 and is scheduled to be completed in March, 2019.
The main objective of the project is to enhance forest area and livelihood opportunities of the forest dependent people and to conserve biodiversity by undertaking afforestation and biodiversity conservation measures through Joint Forest Management (JFM) approach, thereby contributing to environmental conservation and socio-economic development of Rajasthan.
Rajasthan Agricultural Competitiveness Project – World Bank
This project is funded by the World Bank. The project cost is 832.50 crore in which 545 crore is World Bank loan portion, 242 crore will be borne by the State Government and 45.50 crore will be beneficiaries contribution. Project is effective from July, 2012 and is scheduled to be completed in April, 2019.
The project development objective is to establish the feasibility of sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and farmer income through integrating agriculture water management and agricultural technology, farmer organizations and market innovations and to help farmers get more rupees per unit of water in compensation for farmers using fewer units of water.
Rajasthan Road Sector Modernization Project (RRSMP) – World Bank
This project is funded by the World Bank. The project cost is 1,362 crore in which 960 crore is World Bank loan portion and `402 crore will be borne by the State Government. Project is effective from March, 2014 and is scheduled to be completed by December, 2018.