The founding fathers of our Constitution desired to secure justice, social, economic and political for all citizens. They realized that the inequitable forces embedded in the socio-economic system and also political organizations, had resulted in deprivation and disadvantages for the poor and the weaker sections of the society. They, therefore, considered it necessary to provide specific safeguards in the Constitution for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes , who, due to tradition and a combination of circumstances, were the most deprived, weak and vulnerable amongst the various sections of society . The various safeguards and protective measures sought to ensure for them all round development and freedom from exploitation and social injustice so that they could form part of the mainstream of the society.
The Indian Constitution has provided legal safeguards to ST and SC communities and all its policies regarding utilisation of resources, whether land, water or forests were based on social equity rather than on market economy. It is also worth mentioning here that the constitution makers in the country also realized these, so separate provisions were made for the administration of the tribal areas in the Fifth and the Sixth Schedule of the constitution.
Various programs for women and child development are:-
- Rashtriya Bal Kosh (National Childrens Fund)
- Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) Sabla
- Kishori Shakti Yojana
- Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS)
- Integrated Child Development Services(ICDS)
- General Grant-in-Aid Scheme in the field of Women and Child Development
- General Grant-in-aid (GIA) Scheme for Assistance to Voluntary Organisations in the field of Women and Child Development
- Nutrition Education and Training though Community Food & Nutrition Extension Units(CFNEUS)
- Gender Budgeting Scheme
- General Grant-in-Aid Scheme for innovative projects
- Family Counselling Centre Scheme
- Dhanalakshmi
- Grant-in-Aid for Research, Publication and Monitoring
- Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme
- One Stop Centre Scheme
- Women Helpline Scheme
- UJJAWALA : A Comprehensive Scheme for Prevention of trafficking and Rescue, Rehabilitation and Re-integration of Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation
- Working Women Hostel
- Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme For the Children of Working Mothers
- Ministry approves new projects under Ujjawala Scheme and continues existing projects
- SWADHAR Greh (A Scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances)
- Revision under IGMSY in Accordance with National Food Security Act, 2013 in XIIth Plan
- Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP)
- Awardees of Stree Shakti Puruskar, 2014 & Awardees of Nari Shakti Puruskar
- Awardees of Rajya Mahila Samman & Zila Mahila Samman
- Archived Maternity Benefit Programme
- Mahila police Volunteers
- Mahila E-Haat
Various programs & schemes for Scheduled Caste development are:-
- NGOs Scheme Scheme of Grant in Aid to Voluntary Organisations working for Scheduled Castes
- Scholarships Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC (IX & X)
- Pre-Matric Scholarships to the Children of those Engaged in occupations involving cleaning and prone to health hazards
- Post-Matric Scholarship for SC students
- Upggadation Of Merit Of SC Students
- Central Sector Scholarship of Top Class Education for SC Students
- National Overseas scholarship
- National Fellowship for Scheduled Caste Students
- Free Coaching Free Coaching Scheme for SC and OBC Students
- Schemes for Economic Development Credit Enhancement Guarantee Scheme for the Scheduled Castes (SCs)
- National Safai Karamcharis Finance and Development Corporation (NSKFDC)
- National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation (NSFDC)
- Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCA to SCSP)
- Scheme of Assistance to Scheduled Castes Development Corporations (SCDCs)
- Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers (SRMS)
- Venture Capital Fund For Scheduled Castes
- Schemes for Social Empowerment Protection of Civil Rights and Prevention of Atrocities
- Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY)
Various programs & schemes for Scheduled Tribe development are:-
- Equity support to NSTFDC/STFDC
- DBT Scheme for Post Matric Scholarship, TOP Class cation, Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship
- Research Training Operational Guidelines for the scheme”GrantsinAid to TRIs”
- Scheme of Centres of Excellence.
- Guidelines for the Scheme “Institutional Support for Development and Marketing of Tribal Product”
- (A) Revised Guidelines for the Scheme MSP to MFP w.e.f. 31/10/2016
- (B) Guidelines for the Scheme MSP to MFP
- Vocational Training Centres in Tribal Areas
- Schemes of Strengthening cation among Schled Tribes Girls in a low literacy Districts
- Scheme of Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PTGs)
- Scheme of Grant in Aid to Voluntary Organizations working for welfare of STs
- Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS)
- Grants under Article 275 (1) of the Constitution of India
- Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan(SCA to TSP)
- Establishment of Ashram Schools in Tribal SubPlan Areas
- PREMATRIC SCHOLARSHIP (Class IX and X)w.e.f. 01072012 { NEW}
- Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Hostels for ST boys and ST Girls
- Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) for ST students
- Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for ST Students
- National Overseas Scholarships for Schled Tribe Students
- Vocational Training Centres in Tribal Areas
- Upgradation of Merit of ST Students
- Top Class cation for ST Students
Various programs & schemes for Minority comunity development are:-
Scholarship Schemes
- Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF)
- Padho Pardesh – Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Educational Loans for Overseas Studies for the Students Belonging to the Minority Communities
- Free Coaching and Allied Scheme
- Nai Udaan – Support for Students for preparation of Main Examination who clear Prelims conducted by UPSC/SSC, State Public Service Commission (PSC) etc.
Economic Empowerment
- Skill Development
- Seekho aur Kamao (Learn & Earn)
- USTTAD (Upgrading the Skills and Training in Traditional Arts/ Crafts for Development)
- Nai Manzil
- Maulana Azad National Academy for Skills(MANAS)
- Concessional credit through National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC)
Infrastructure Development
- Multi-sectoral Development Programme (MsDP)
Special Needs
- Nai Roshni – The Leadership Development of Minority Women
- Hamari Dharohar
- Jiyo Parsi – Scheme for Containing Population Decline of Parsis in India
Waqf Management
- Scheme for Strengthening of State Waqf Boards
- Computerization of the records of State Waqf Boards Scheme
- Reasearch/ Studies, Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Scheme Including Publicity
Support to Institutions
- Corpus Fund to Maulana Azad Education Foundation (MAEF)
- Equity to National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC)
- Grant in Aid Scheme to State Channelising Agencies of National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation

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