
Bihari Award of K.K. Birla foundation


– 2015-16: Dr Bhagvati Lal Vyas for his Rajasthani creation “Kanth su aave hai


– 2014:-Om Thanvi for his creation Mohanjodhro

– 2013:-Chandra prakash deval for his creation Hirna



Mharana pratap Award 2016 : 6  March 2016:-


ÿ Maharana Udai Singh Award – This prestigious award is given to the

personalities who have effectively worked on environment conservation to

protect world habitat.

ÿ Pannadhay Award

– This special award is bestowed to those exceptional

people who have stepped ahead in most fatal situations and saved lives of

others while risking their own life.

ÿ Maharshi Harit Rashi Award to Laxmi Sharma– This state level award is given

to those who worked for spiritual upliftment and dedicated their life in serving

the society with their spiritual and religious guidance.

ÿ Maharana Mewar Award to Dr Lakhsman singh Rathore– This state level

award is for people who worked for academic development in the society to

escalate moral, social and economical aspects.

ÿ Maharana Kumbha Award Devilal Palival and Tej Singh– People who have

sparked awareness in society through historical and literature get this state

level honor.

ÿ Maharana Sajjan Singh Award to Aakasth Chopra – Dedicated to the artists

from various background like painting, traditional art are honored with this


ÿ Dagar Gharana Award To Prahlad singh Taplani– Indicating through its

name, this award is for musicians with extra ordinary talent and contributed in

preserving and promoting Classical Music, Classical Dance, Folk Music, Folk

Dance etc.

ÿ Rana Punja Award to Lakxman lal damore– People who have worked for the

development of Scheduled Tribes of Rajasthan.

ÿ Aravali Award to Rajat Chauhan – People who have achieved exceptional

success in the field of sports are awarded with Aravali Award.




Sardar Ratna Award:-


ÿ To D.P Sharma



Gyanpeeth Award 2015, declared on 29  Jan 2016


ÿ Rajasthani who won award is Om Nagar

ÿ For his work Neeb ke cheer se and parityakt


Srifal Patrikariyata Purushkar


ÿ Pradeep Joshi


Shaurya Chakra


ÿ Highest peace time galantary award

ÿ To Saheed Mohan Nath Goswami


Shilpguru award


ÿ Kailash soni

ÿ Ramswaroop sharma

ÿ Kailash Chandra Sharma




Sports award, given after 8 years gap to :-


  1. Apoorvi chandela- shooter
  2. Rajat Chauhan- archery
  3. Lovemeet Katariya- volleyball


Mathura das Mathur award:-


– biggest cricket award of the state

– given to:-


  1. senior wing- Pankaj singh(test player )
  2. junior wing-shubham sharma (of jaipur)
  3. sub junior wing-Ajay geegna(Bikaner)




Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection Award


– is awarded to Forest protection and conservation authority suratgarh,Udaipur

– This award is given for significant contribution in the field of wildlife protection,

which is recognised as having shown exemplary courage or having done

exemplary work for the protection of wildlife.


A cash award of Rupees One lakh is presented to individuals/institutions

involved in wildlife protection.




Rajasthan Ratnakar Annual Awards function


– its organized by social works Ngo Rajasthan ratnakar

– organized on 19th july 2015 at delhi

– awards given to :-


  1. dr chand kaur joshi- best literature in rajasthani languages
  2. ravi purohit-best book in rajasthani languages
  3. KC Malu- folk sings in rajasthani languages


Family welfare promotion award:-


– awarded to shriganganagar, runner up was hanumangarh

– state population Growth rate =21.44%(2001-2011) and 28.41%?(1991-2011)

– average age of marriage is 20.7 years while that for nation is 21.3 years

– total fertility rate 2.8 while that for nation is 2.3


Adlocent child protection award


– 1st kerala

– 2nd rajasthan

– 3rd mp


National Florence Nightingale award


– to jogendra sharma registrar of rajasthan nursing council


Padamshree kanayalal sethia Rajathani language literature award


– given by rajasthan association of north america

– awarded to pawan pahardiya of nagore


BT Star PSU award


– to Rajasthan electronics

and instrumentation limited (REIL)

– in the field of excellence in Cooperate social responsibility


Padamshree 8 april 2015


– Mahesh raj sone(dhevakala)

– Dr Rajesh koteba (Health)

– M L Mehata(posthumous)

– Virendra Mehta(Jaipur foot)


National Panchayati raj awards:-


– given to 8 panchayati raj institutes of the state

– Panchayat Sashaktikaran Puraskars to Udaipur, Bidala(Jodhpur), Anta( bara)

– Rashtriya Gaurav Gram Sabha (RGGS) Puraskars for outstanding

performance of Gram Sabha

– Award to Gram Panchayats for good work in the implementation of

MGNREGS activities (To be awarded by MoRD


Best cultural destination award- Rajasthan


– by Travel plus lazer India and south asia magzine


Stockholm water award:-


– to Rajendra singh (rajasthan water man)

– award money is 94 lakh

– he was also awarded Ramsay Magsaysay award


Best project in e- Governance:


– Rajasthan public service commission




ASTHA NGO of Udaipur


– awarded by president on women day by rani ramma devi award

– and sister mariola won rani Gandlio award


KC KUSHIL international journalism award


awarded to international consortium of investigative journalists and Indian Express


award money is 11,000$ which is largest in award money


Manrega awards to:-


– Hanumangarh district collector

– and rajpura (shriganganagar) sarpanch


Sardar patel lifetime achievement award:-


– to Dr D P Sharma- even being handicapped he worked in the field of technical

education at international level

– he is international advisor to UN project

– he is the 1st rajasthani to be awarded


President Medal:-


– awarded to Dr mahesh bharadwaj- police officier


DSC south asian literature award


to jhumpa lehri during Jaipur literature festival , award money is 50.000$


Indian origin- American writer won the award for her noble The Lowland


Skill developement award:-


– by assocham, awarded to rajasthan


Transport Ministry Trophy:-


– awarded to rajasthan roadways for lowest accident ratio and it was awarded

4th time in a row to rajasthan.


Sahitya Academy Award 2014:-


– To rameshchandra shah in hindi literature for his noble Vinayak

– rampalsingh rajpurohit was awarded for rajasthani languages

– munavvar rana (urdu) and adil jaiswal (english) will also be awarded along

with 23 writters.


Manak alankaran purushkar:-


– for active journalism to vinod singh chauhan( daily news) and anshum ahuja

(rajasthan patrika)


Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration


– awarded to Narbada Indoriya of Information and broadcasting department.

– he is the editor of magazine Sujan


national literacy award


– awarded to rajasthan on international literacy day.

– Indian literacy mission is active in 32 districts of the state.

– sikar district is selected for the award


Canada Rana Award on 30 aug 2014


– Awarded to Virendra parihar in Jodhpur for his work in agriculture and rural



Bal sahitya and yuva puruskar:-


– by Central literature academy

– yuva award to dr neeraj dhaiya of Bikaner for Jadu roo pen and raju

bijarandiya for his book


State agriculture price:-


– 2014-15:- to kanaram and ganga ram

– 2013-14:- to Ashok singh Metwala(banswarda) and Jai prakasth gehlot(kota)

– each awarded 50.000 Rs




Anuvrat Ahinsa international peace award


– awarded to Gulab kothari- chief editor of rajasthan patrika


Lokkala RATNA


– awarded during indian cultural festival 2015

– awarded to Dr Mahendra banavat of udaipur


amrita devi bishnoi award 2013


– to Mokhram Dharadiya of jeev raksha institute bikaner


concert communicator award by rajasthan patrika


– Shailendra agrawal of soojan advertising and copywritter sundeep sarpandey


Para-sports person of the year award


– by Ficci

– to Devendra Jhajhardiya


Sahitya academy award:-


– to ambika dutta of kota for his work anthoi nahi din hal


Rajasthan ratna for 2013:-


– DR Mehta- Social works

– Late Nagendra Singh- law and Justice

– Late Kailasth Sankhla- environmental protection

– Pandit Ramnarayan-art

– Late hasrat Jaipuri- literature

– Jasdev singh- radio

– Late Gavri singh- folk singer


maharana mewar charitable trust awards 2015


– Colonel James Tod Award-Prof. John D. Smith Year: 2015 of Spain

– Haldi Ghati Award-Piyush Pandey

– Hakim Khan Sur Award-Vrinda Grover


– Maharana Udai Singh Award-Mr. Jadav Mulai Payeng

– Panna Dhai Award –                            Anu Aga

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