DMPQ:What do you understand by Impartiality as foundational value? What are the advantages of impartiality?

Impartiality as a principle of justice prescribes to public

servants that decisions should bebased on objective criteria, rather than on the basis of bias, prejudice, or preferring thebenefit to one person over another for improper reasons, it is necessary for promotingequality in the society.

Advantages of Impartiality

  • Provides professionalism and permanence as opposed to reluctance to change
  • It assures the public that their current aspirations will be faithfully served by the
  • The elected ministers are assured of loyalty of the civil servants.
  • The officers themselves enjoy high morale since they believe they will be rewarded
  • for their merit and not for their political considerations.
  • To offer free and frank advice on policy matters using the powers of delegated
  • legislation to ensure optimal utilisation of resources
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