For the conduct of free and fair elections an independent Election Commission has been provided for in Article 324. The constitution makers has not left the elections to jurisdiction of the executive and legislative departments of the government. The role played by ECI are as follows:
- Conduction of elections: President, VP, Rajya sabha lok sabha, election to state legislature, reservation of seats in lok sabha and state legislature
- Superintendence, direction and control of all the elections mentioned above.
- Power of appointing tribunals for the decision of doubts and disputes and disputes in connection with the elections.
- Preparation of electoral rolls
- Recognition of political parties and allotment of symbols under Representation of Peoples Act, 1951. Section 29A of this act provides for registration of the political parties with the commission.
- Scrutiny of nomination papers is done under the supervision of ECI. If nomination papers are not find up to mark, they are liable to get rejected.
- ECI also plays a critical role in monitoring of election expenses. In India every contesting candidate is required to maintain and file the accounts of his election expenses within a prescribed period after publication of the result of his election.