DMPQ: What are the issues attached with Indo Bangladesh Relation?


  • Adverse balance to trade: 
    • To enable more Bangladeshi exports to flow into India, duty free entry was granted in 2011 under SAFTA.
    • An SEZ in BG for Indian manufacturing companies has been mooted and notified.
    • To offset economic asymmetry, India has granted BG generous line of credit (LOCs) and grants, with commitments reaching $ 8 bn.
  • Rise of religious radicalism and terrorism, defense and security issues will require greater cooperation.
    • Bangladesh has taken strong and effective steps against who have been inspired by IS and involved in terrorist strikes.
  • Rohingya Issue
  • Illegal Migration and NRC of Assam
  • Sharing of river waters
  • China’s growing insecurity and economical footprints in South Asia.


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