Twelve cities namely Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh), Gaya(Bihar), Dwaraka(Gujarat), Amritsar(Punjab), Ajmer(Rajasthan), Kanchipuram(Tamil Nadu), Vellankani(Tamil Nadu), Puri(Odisha), Varanasi(Uttar Prasesh), Mathura(Uttar Pradesh), Kedarnath (Uttarakhand) and Kamakhya (Assam) have been identified for development under Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spirituality Augmentation Drive (PRASAD) by the Ministry of Tourism.
The objective of schemes are as follows:
- To drive a national mission for rejuvenation and spiritual augmentation of important religious institution.
- To position tourism as major engine of growth.
- Enhancing tourist attractiveness of the religious destinations.
- Mechanism of plugging the infrastructural gaps.
- To strengthen measures for safety and security of tourist.
- To create employment via active involvement of local communities.