DMPQ: What were the teachings of Saint Kabir? ( Medieval India)
Saint Kabir mystic poet & saint was brought up in Muslim weaver family.He spreaded his spiritual message in simple words . He opposed hypocrisy,superstition,caste system.Teachings of Kabir were also mentioned
in books of Sikh religion.
Following are the teachings of Saint Kabir:
- Anti Casteism -Don’t ask caste of saint.Rather ask his knowledge.
- Humility – Use always sweet polite tone while talking
- World is maya – God can be seen only when curtain of material illusion (maya) is removed. Saint Kabir gives example of burning psychological house.
- Masteris supreme than God – Saint Kabir believed that God can be reached through only with guidance of Master
- Karmayoga – Saint Kabir did his profession of weaving & at same time remembered also God .
- Simplicity – Saint Kabir prays to God of giving wealth to take care of self as well as the guest.