DMPQ: What is poultry farming? What are the desirable traits developed Obtained after cross breeding? ( Science)

Poultry is the rearing of domesticated fowl (chicken), ducks, geese, turkey and some varieties of pigeon for their meat and eggs. The specialized meat-producing poultry birds are called broilers while egg-laying poultry birds are called layers.

The tremendous rise in the availability of poultry products is called Silver Revolution.

Variety improvement is done by cross-breeding indigenous breeds with exotic breeds. The improved varieties are developed for the following desirable traits:


  • To improve the quality and quantity of chicks.
  • To develop breeds with low maintenance requirements.
  • To develop dwarf broiler parents for commercial chick production.
  • To develop varieties which have tolerance href="" target="_blank" class="youtube-subscribe-button"> Subscribe on YouTube
to high temperature (summer adaptation capacity)
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