Q1. Explain the causes and Phases of Bijoilia movement? (Rajasthan History)
Q2. Describe the socio-economic condition of Harappan civilisation (History)
Q3. Tabulate the difference between western ghats and eastern ghats? (Geography)
Q4. Highlight the Characteristics of Indian economy. (Economy)
Q5 What is HGP read? How it is different from HGP write? List down the application of Human genome project? (Science Tech)
Q6. Explain the Salient features of Indian Constitution? (Polity)
Q1. What are the changes one can observe from pre vedic era to the late vedic era? (History)
Q2. What do you understand by the term inflation? What are the causes of inflation? List down the tools to curb inflation? (Economy)
Q3. Why can the lok sabha control the executive more efficiently than the Rajya sabha? (Polity)
Q4. The Himalayas has played the important role of a foster mother for the Indians. Discuss (Geography)
Q5 What is nanotechnology? Write down its application and mention programmes initiated by government of India? (Science Tech)
q6. PPP is the need of the hour. Discuss the advantage attached with it? Give some example of PPP project in Rajasthan. (Rajasthan Economy)
Q1. Note on Medieval Indo-Islamic Architecture. (History)
Q2. Enumerate the difference between Himalayan and Peninsular drainage system? (Geography)
Q3. What is the role of NITI aayog? (Economy)
Q4. Independence of judiciary is must for healthy democracy. Discuss the provisions to maintain an independent judiciary. (Polity)
Q5. What are chromosomal disorders? Explain its types? Name and explain any two types of genetic disorders? (Science)
Q6. Rajasthan foundation: its composition, objective and function. (Rajasthan Economy)
Q1. What is Bhakti movement? What are the essential features of bhakti movement? (History)
Q2. Discuss the flood scenario in India. Write down the consequence of floods. (Geography)
Q3. What is the Green revolution? Analyse the impact of green revolution. (Economy)
Q4. Explain the nature of DPSP? What are the difficulties to implement the DPSP? (Polity)
Q5. What is ecosystem? Goods and services provided by the ecosystem are immense. Discuss (Science)
Q6. State the initiative taken by government of Rajasthan in the filed of IT sector to streamline the governance. (Rajasthan Economy)
Q1. What is the difference between classical and folk dance forms ? (History)
Q2. Discuss the challenges of Indian Agriculture and present an outlook. (Geography)
Q4 . What is basic structure of the constitution and discuss its relevance? (Polity)
Q.5. What is navigation satellite? India launched IRNSS recently, what is IRNSS? What are its application? (Science)
Q6. List down the basic function of Panchayati Raj department in Rajasthan (Rajasthan Polity)
Q1. The battle of Plassey and Battle of buxar proved to be the founding platform of British empire. Discuss (History)
Q3. Is cashless economy feasible in India? Also discuss the impact of it on informal economy? (Economy)
Q4. Why India adopted parliamentary form of government? Write down the merits and demerits of parliament government? (Polity)
Q5. What is coral bleaching? What are the causes of coral bleaching? (Science)
Q6. Discuss the importance of animal husbandry sector with special refernce to Rajasthan? Discuss the key initiative taken by Government of Rajasthan. (Rajasthan Economy)
2.Discuss the problems associated with coal mining in India.(Geography)
3.What are the types of pressure groups? Discuss the significane of Pressure groups. (Polity)
4.What are malware? What are its different types? (Science)
5.What is black money? Discuss its implication in context of India? (Economy)
6. Give in brief an account on mineral resource in Rajasthan? Discuss the scheme in operation to extract minerals.(Rajasthan Geography)
Q2. India is a federation with a strong centre. Comment. (Polity)
Q3. What is groundwater contamination? What are the causes of ground water contamination? (Geography)
Q4. What is artificial intelligence? List down its application. (Science)
Q5. What are the causes of unemployment in India?(Economy)
1. What are the issues with Service sector in Rajasthan? Provide solution to address those issues?(Rajasthan Economy)
4. Social reform movements played their role in making of modern India. Discuss the features of Social reform movement.(Sociology)
5. What is 52nd Constitutional amendment act. Discuss the issues attached with it.(Polity)
6. What is blockchain technology? List down advantage and application (Science)
1. What are GM crops? Discuss its advantage and issue involved.(Science)
2. What are ocean currents? What are the factors responsible for ocean currents. (Geography)
3. Deindustrialisation was one of the impact of British rule. Give the reasons for deindustrialisation of India? (History)
4. Arguments in favour and against the linguistic organisation of state. (Polity)
5. Sagarmala is an ambitious project. What is sagarmala? What are the challenges in implementation? Discuss the prospect of the project. (Geography)
1. What is PPP ? Certain issues are faced by PPP. Examine that. (Economy)
2. Montreal protocol has been one of the rarest treaty that achieve success. What is Montreal protocol all about? (Environment)
3. What is urban flood? List down the reason for urban floods and map out the solution. (Geography)
4. Present a critique on DPSP. (Polity)