Telangana Affairs
International arbitration centre in Hyderabad on December 18: CJI NV Ramana
Stating that all prudent people will leave aside egos and embrace practicality if a quick and effective dispute resolution platform is provided, Chief of India NV Ramana announced Indias firstInternational Arbitration and Mediation Centre(IAMC) would be inaugurated in Hyderabad on December 18.
It would become functional from a highrise building in Nanakramguda. A curtain-raiser event was organised at HICC. Chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao hoped the emergence of IAMC would make India overcome its image of lagging behind in enforcement of contracts on account of problems like lack of sufficient judges to resolve disputes quickly. He thankedCJIfor choosing Hyderabad for the facility.KCRsaid the international facility would receive full support from state, Centre and other Asian nations.
National and International Affairs
Mahaparinirvana Divas
Mahaparinirvana Divas, the death anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Amebedkar, is on 6 December.
Millions visit the Chaitya Bhoomi, Dr Ambedkar‘s Samadhi in Mumbai, to pay their respects.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the government of Maharashtra has advised people to refrain from visiting and observing the day from Home.
Mahaparinirnavan, known as ‘Nirvana after death’, is one of the primary goals of .
The Buddhist text “Mahaparinibbana Sutta” considers the death of Lord Buddha at the age of 80 as the original Mahaparinirvan.
Dr Ambedkar died a few days after completing his work “The Buddha and his Dhamma”.
After studying the religion for years together, he converted to Buddhism on October 14, 1956, in Nagpur.
He was considered a Buddhist guru for his contributions to eradicating untouchability.
Theme: Indian Navy Combat Ready, Credible and Cohesive.
The theme sends message that India is keenly watching the moves of the Chinese in the Indian Ocean Region and the INDIAN NAVY is combat ready to encounter the Chinese forces anytime. The message includes Pakistani forces as well.
Every year the Indian Navy Day is celebrated to commemorate Operation Trident. The operation was launched by the Indian Navy during the India-Pakistan war of 1971 to attack Karachi Harbour.
The Operation Trident was launched in the night of December 4. During the attack Indian Navy ravaged the fuel Storage tankers at Pakistan Naval headquarters located in Karachi. The Indian Navy also sinked 4 of the Pakistani boats and killed 500 Pakistani Naval personal. This included minesweepers and destroy us as well.
For the first time India deployed and anti-ship missile during the India Pakistan war of 1971. The operation Trident was followed by operation Python.
Theme:Halt soil salinization, enhance soil production
This signifies the fact that the depends on the Health of the Soil.
Soil is Home to one-fourth of the Biodiversity of the earth. It is important to control Soil Pollution as bad soil management will affect the micro organisms below the ground. These Microorganisms are working continuously to preserve the eco system. They help in fixing nitrogen that is essential for plant Growth. They also add nutrients to the soil by the process of decomposition.
ndia focuses on regional soil conservation programmes. For instance, the Cherrapunjee Ecological Project was launched to enhance soil moisture in Sohra Plateau.
However, the Rashtriya Krishi Vigyan Yojana that focuses on development of ranfed Farming Systems in the country, focuses on soil quality all over India. Also, theSoil Health Card Schemewas launched.
During the visit of Russian PresidentVladimir Putinto India on Monday, the two countries would be inking the major deal worth over Rs 5,100 crore for producing AK-203 assault rifles within the country.
The Russian President during his one-day visit is also scheduled to hand over the model of an S-400 air DEFENCE system to Prime MinisterNarendra Modias a symbol of delivery of the weapon system to India.
The main attraction of the visit would be the finalisation of the AK-203 assault rifle deal which would be produced in Amethi,Uttar Pradesh.
The production of the over five lakh rifles by the India-Russia joint venture company would see a complete transfer of technology within seven years of signing the contract.
Every year the INDIAN NAVY Day is celebrated on December 4. This year the Indian Navy Day is celebrated on the following theme
World Soil Day: December 5
Every year, the World Day is celebrated on December 5. The day is celebrated by the Food and <a href="https://exam.pscnotes.com/Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture Organization (FAO) operating under the United Nations and also by several other international organizations. This year, the World Soil Day is celebrated under the theme