Chilka lake
- the largest brackish water lagoon of Asia
- spread over the Puri, Khurda and Ganjam districts of Odisha state on the east coast of India, at the mouth of the Daya River, flowing into the Bay of Bengal
- After cyclone Phailin there was a large amount of alien fishes in Chilka lake which affected the natural ecosystem of the lake
- these fishes are slowly moving towards the oceanic waters
Nirbhay missile- subsonic Cruise missile developed by Defence research and development organisation
Tantra trucks- used by indian army for mobile missile launcher
The process of selection of judiciary in various countries
- In India since 1993 collegium system is in place which consists of Chief Justice of India and other senior Supreme Court Judges ,which make recommendation for persons to be appointed as Supreme Court and High Court Judges to the president.this recommendation is mandatory on the president
- United Kingdom has a five member panel which consist of the supreme court president and one member is appointed by judicial accountability commission of England ,Scotland and northern Ireland judicial accountability commission -comprises layperson members of judiciary and the bar
- United States of America president nominate the judges which is confirmed by the Senate and at the Senate Judiciary committee Hold hearings on whether nomination should go to the full Senate.
- In Germany the judges are appointed by the executive and legislature. half of the members of the Federal constitutional Court are elected by the executive and the other half by the Legislature.
- South Africa the judge’s are appointed by the president. the South African Judicial Service Commission recommends the list of candidates to be appointed as Supreme Court Judges. all other judges are appointed on its advice.
Decline at the sex ratio at birth
recent report of civil registration system administrator ,by the office of the registrar general of India which also conducts the decadal census stated that the sex ratio at birth has declined to 898 in 2013 from 909 in 2011.
Saint Thiruvalluvar
Tiruvalluvar flourished during 1st century bc or 6th century ad, India was a Tamil poet-saint known as the author of the Tirukkural (“Sacred Couplets”), considered a masterpiece of human thought.
Even mahatma ghandhi wished to learn tamil to read his text in original.
Pulse crisis
- Centre has decided to import 5000 tons of pulses to temporary restrict the inflation in pulse prices.
- it would be better that the government leaves imports to the private trade rather then causing a further rise to the world prices.
- This high price could be used as a right signal by farmers to expand Pulse acreage that would be a more suitable solution to bring down prices subsidizing import will only distort these signals