British rule in Telangana

British rule in Telangana Telangana region has been ruled by great dynasties such as Sathavahanas, Kakatiyas, Chalukyas, Mughals, Qutubshahis, Asafjahis. In 1799, the Nizam rulers aided the East India Company in their war with Tipu Sultan. When the Nizam was compelled to sign a subsidiary alliance with the British in the year 1799, he lost … Read more

Art forms of Telangana

Art forms of Telangana:- There are more than 160 folk Art forms of Telangana or Telugu land. Telangana has larger number of art forms performed by traditional artist communities. Most of them have “Tyaagam” tradition, that is a right to get cash and kind from respective communities. Some classical Art forms of Telangana received the … Read more

Fairs and Festivals of Telangana

Fairs and Festivals of Telangana:- In Telangana, one can clearly witness the composite, pluralistic and inclusive culture and traditions. Be it Bathukamma, Sankranthi, Ramzan, Moharram, or Christmas, the region is a beacon of secular traditions and festive glory. Bathukamma is a colourful and vibrant floral festival of Telangana, celebrated by women, with flowers that grow … Read more

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