Distribution of Mulberry and Non-mulberry Sericulture (area, production and productivity across states), Cocoon Production

Distribution of Mulberry and Non-mulberry Sericulture (area, production and productivity across states), Cocoon Production Sericulture which has its origin in China is an age old industry in India. Silk route is one of the ancient internationally recognized route for global business for not only silk but also other important commodities. History reveals that silk is … Read more

Disaster Management

Disaster Management History shows that India is exposed to national disasters. Cyclones, floods, earthquakes, droughts and floods are major threats. About 60 percent of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of various intensities, over 40 million hectares is prone to floods and 68 percent of the area is susceptible to drought. This not only results … Read more

Rise and growth of Socio-Religious-cultural – anti-caste

Eradication of Social and religious wrongs Eradication of Social and religious wrongs Social and Religious Issues Social issues (also social problem, social evil, and social conflict) refers to any undesirable condition that is opposed either by the whole society or by a section of the society. It is an unwanted social condition, often objectionable, the … Read more

Distinction between Indus Civilization and Vedic Civilization

  Distinction between Indus Civilization and Vedic Civilization These two civilizations have not only played a major role in the development of ancient India, but have also left a lineage that still continues to shape Subscribe on YouTube our present Indian culture. Differences based on Following Major Headings PERIODICTY BASED DIFFERNENCES: Indus Valley Civilization: Till … Read more

The Great Mughals and their contribution to Indian Fine Art, Architecture and Fine Arts

Introduction In the fourteenth century, the disintegration of the Mongol empire led Timur to unite Iran and Turan under one rule. Timur’s empire was spread from the lower Volga to the river Indus, including Iran, Asia Minor (modern Turkey), Trans-Oxiana, Afghanistan, and some part of Punjab. In 1404, Timur died and Shahrukh Mirza, his grandson, … Read more

Crop Science in India

Crop Science in India In India around 70% of the population earns its livelihood from agriculture. It fulfills the basic need of human beings and animals. It is an important source of raw material for many agro based industries. India’s geographical condition is unique for agriculture because it provides many favorable conditions. There are plain … Read more

Advance Infrastructure in Rural Areas, Establishing Physical, Electronic, Knowledge, & Economic Connectivity.

Advance Infrastructure in Rural Areas Good quality infrastructure is critical to sustainable growth, especially for rural areas. As over 60 per cent of the population lives in rural areas, with low levels of per capital income, there is need to impart greater attention in improving rural infrastructure. Currently the rural infrastructure is inadequate to support … Read more

Quality of service delivery

Quality of service delivery After over a decade of Subscribe on YouTube rapid economic growth in India, the biggest challenge facing policymakers at both central and state levels is to ensure ‘inclusive’ growth so that the gains from increased national income are shared by all sections of society. In particular, it is imperative that a … Read more

Work culture

Work culture An organization is formed to achieve certain goals and objectives by bringing individuals together on a common platform and motivating them to deliver their level best. It is essential for the employees to enjoy at the workplace for them to develop a sense of loyalty towards it. Work culture plays an important role … Read more

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